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Kyle's POV

( A/N: Hi, dark mode users, and that one person who uses...what do you even call that, tan mode? Beige mode? Anyway! I recommend that you read this in light mode instead. Transparent images don't really seem to work for me so I just gave images a white background. Sorry for the inconvenience! )


How the fuck did I even let this happen?!

I anxiously tap and fidget with my shiny, jet black, fountain pen, making that obnoxious, quiet yet blatantly obvious clicking noise that everybody is bound to get pissed off at in a class at some point in time, frustrated that such a minor thing can destroy any chance of focusing when studying so hard for that big upcoming exam last-minute, but I'm at home right now, alone in my cozy, dimly lit room, so I suppose it's not really a cause for concern regardless of how annoying it may be. But that's irrelevant, so I digress, the amount of work I have left is the problem at hand.

Right now, my top priority is getting that assignment done. The work I received today combined with the tasks I fell asleep while doing yesterday...bring me to a total of six long homework tasks, five of which are due tomorrow.


"Kyle bubula, are you okay? You've been doing your homework for hours!" My mom comments, standing by my doorway. "You should spend some more time with your brother."

"I'm fine 'ma, I've just got a lot of work to do tonight. I'll spend time with Ike...whenever I get around to finishing all of this." I sigh deeply, trying to imagine how long this could take when in reality I already know this is going to be a long night, and me being able to complete this really depends on whether or not I'm willing to spend the next twelve hours of my life stressing out over tedious, unnecessary tasks that'll probably be nothing more than a waste of my time, but I've worked so hard to maintain a good image and keep my grades high, so I guess slacking off isn't really an option for me anymore.

"...well, alright then." She dimly replies, downcast, grabbing empty glasses and cans from atop my bronze bedroom dresser. "Do you need anything?" My mom calmly questions, her mild concern apparent in the way she spoke but there's not really much I can do to convince her this is what I have to do anyway. I turn to face her, pausing my work for a moment in thought.

"Uh...yeah, actually! Could you get me another Red Bull? Oh, and an energy bar would do nicely. A few Lucozade bottles could probably help fuel me as well, any flavor is fine but I'd prefer if you didn't bring me that nasty blackcurrant stuff or whatever it's called." She raises a finger as if to object to my request but seems to just change her mind and go along with it, hesitantly making her way over to the kitchen and bringing back enough caffeinated goods to at least last me the next few hours. "Thanks 'ma."

As she closes the door I groan. "God fucking damn it." I check the time, and it's midnight, precisely 12:22 AM as read my smartwatch, which probably, just barely, gives me just about enough time to finish these homework tasks as long as I don't fall asleep and stay fully focused. I could probably then find some time to revise and nap during lunch break, allowing me to push through the day and pay attention enough to pick up and take note of any relevant information I'm given during classe-

Bzzzt. Bzzzzzt.

My chain of thought is suddenly interrupted by a faint vibration, the alert signifying a new message received on my cellular phone, me checking and planting my head onto the wooden desk as I read the name displayed with the light and bright colors of the display shining through the screen's glass.

@-TIREDBLUEBOY | 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 - a style fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now