²』Night Drive

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(Image Credit: https://weheartit.com/articles/338951277- )

(A/N: Sorry it's kind of short, but there's a POV change and I'd prefer to put it in a separate chapter, or it'll, for no reason whatsoever, irk me endlessly.)

"Let's go."

He nods, me holding his hand firmly but not too tightly as to ensure I don't hurt him, and guiding him out of the building. We make our way through the horde of wasted teens and step outside, the crisp air hitting us like a ton of bricks, and Stan stumbling unsteadily on the sidewalk. Man, is he drunk!

"Geez dude, how much did you drink?" I ask, him squinting his eyes and seemingly trying to think of an answer.

"Six." The onyx haired teen replies woozily, confusing me. I hate to be like that one...or rather, every single math teacher ever, that insists on you putting the measurement unit, but six isn't exactly a helpful answer since six could mean all sorts of things. He could mean six spoons, he could mean six gallons. How could I know? It is Stanley Marsh we're talking about, after all, he, as a person, is pretty unpredictable outside of his relationship issues.

"Six...shots? Or?" I question, the ravenette tripping over his feet a few seconds later and me catching him. "Jesus dude, be careful."

"How much alcohol did you drink?" I reiterate my question.

"Six...bottles..." The noirette slurs his words, obviously an effect the alcohol has on him, as is the inability to correctly maintain balance. I know he tends to be pretty emotional after having drunk a little too much and tends to drink too much when emotional, so really, it's just a simple, and honestly, rather tedious cycle with him. God, I wish he'd take better care of himself. I hate seeing him like this!

"Jesus Christ, dude!" I support his walking by allowing him to lean on me for better balance, us peacefully walking to my car, the only audible sounds being our footsteps, his black Converse all-stars, and my green hi-top Vans, both lightly tapping at the rough and cool concrete ground beneath us and the soles faintly squeaking, the chilly but calming breeze, the distant cars passing us by. This was...a pretty nice feeling. It's peaceful. The music was of course still playing and could be heard from afar, but it was quiet enough now for me to just mentally filter it out, almost as if it wasn't even there.

I unlock the car and help Stan into the passenger seat. I turn on the ignition and start driving, plugging the aux cord into my phone. Luckily I have an iPhone 6 so my device has a headphone jack, but unfortunately, it's sorta outdated now, but I guess looking at the perks is better than only picking out disadvantages.

"Can I pick the s...song?" The onyx haired drunk questions. I'm rather skeptical and don't exactly remember him having a positive record when it comes to picking out music for us to listen to, but I shrug and pass him the phone regardless of this suspicion.

"Just don't put on anything stupid dude," I say, calmly driving, not expecting my ears to feel as if they're viciously bleeding milliseconds after starting down the road. I was really feeling the cold, aesthetic night vibe, but this sort of dampens the mood in my honest opinion.

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