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(Kyle's POV)

"Don't forget it!"
"Don't forget it!"
"Don't forget it!"

...how the fuck could I forget it? I fall back onto my bed, sighing.

It hasn't left my mind since you said it, Stan. Every word you say sticks with me, man! Everything you say engraves itself in the very fabric of my mind. Goddamn, that was stupid and gay. Engraves itself in the very fabric of my...oh, dude, I should totally put that in one of my assignments. That'd probably do nicely for the English Language work!

I'm honestly not sure whether this feeling I have for him is a crush or if this is what friendship is supposed to feel like but it's a fucking nightmare. He won't get out of my head and consumes my every thought. I love him, but Jesus fuck man, if this is love then love is a bitch!  I scan the room, searching the room for some means of checking the time. Oh, duh, my phone.

4:08 PM

Sigh. Time goes so damn slow when you're waiting for something. I guess I should probably get dressed for the sleepover though, huh?

I stand up a little too quickly, getting head rush and almost falling over but managing to keep balance until the feeling fades. Not sure if it's my blood pressure or if I'm just being taunted by the Gods but it's a bitch to deal with.

I look in the closet and find something somewhat casual, as I don't exactly wanna look like I'm trying too hard for a damn slumber party. That'd be super gay...wow, PC Principal would beat the shit out of me if he knew how many times I didn't do things for that specific reason, but honestly, it's not me being homophobic, but me being very closeted since I honestly have no idea what my mom and dad would think. I doubt Ike would care if he knew, and my parents were supportive of Tweek and Craig being gay too, but I'm not exactly sure if they'd support me being gay since I'm their kid and they actually have to live with me.

 I doubt Ike would care if he knew, and my parents were supportive of Tweek and Craig being gay too, but I'm not exactly sure if they'd support me being gay since I'm their kid and they actually have to live with me

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(A rough doodle of Kyle's chosen outfit, and damn, this is pretty old, sorry lmao)

I pack my things and go downstairs, putting my shoes on and making my way over to the bus stop since my dad has the car and I'm not walking all the way to Stan's dad's shitty weed farm.

It's a shame that both of his parents have an equal amount of time with him since his dad is somewhat irresponsible...yeah, no, somewhat is definitely an understatement.

They got another divorce back when Stan and I were 14-years-old and they chose to stay separated after that, but that means that Stan is now stuck needing to deal with going between his two parents' homes, one of which is living in and running a weed farm, and the other in South Park.

@-TIREDBLUEBOY | 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 - a style fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now