⁴』Lunch Break

53 7 10

Kyle's POV

Just about managing to keep myself awake through that boring ass class, the bell's chiming finally dismisses us, allowing freedom. Thank fuck, I needed out.

I'm not sure whether it's the lack of sleep, the worry of not having finished the assignments I have to turn in later, or me thinking about what happened with Stan, but I haven't been able to focus in any of my classes today!

4th period just ended and it is now lunchtime, but holy shit dude, I really hope I haven't missed learning anything I'll need to be successful in the future. I rarely ever lack focus in lessons, so this is really new to me. I always pay attention! But Stan's my top priority right now!

We've only had one class together today, but even then our desks are at opposite ends of the classroom. We used to sit together but we were separated for messing around too much, and in most classes, we had together Stan was moved to different classes for slacking off too often.

I power walk through the corridor, searching for a good few minutes but I had no luck. I decided to ask Kenny but he and Butters were apparently trying to sort some kind of personal issue out, Craig was with Tweek and the rest of his gang and just silently flipped me off, and nobody voluntarily talks to Eric so he wasn't even someone I considered checking with.

The only other place I hadn't checked was the bathroom (it's a scary place, man), so when I heard the slamming of a stall door and faint depressing music playing through what sounds like earbuds I figured he'd be in there.

I quietly knocked on the door.

"Hey, Stan?" He took a short moment to respond.

"Not right now dude." The teen retorted.

"Please?" I ask him once more, this time hearing his music stop. "Look man, I-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Sorry." Stan guiltily remarked, his tone of voice soft and quiet. "I'm sorry for being a dick to you, Kyle." I sigh, feeling somewhat bad for him. It's hard to not feel for your life-long friend seeing and hearing them in this much pain. He's going through some rough things at the moment, the best I can do is try my best to support him every step of the way!

"Don't be too hard on yourself, man." I assured the emotionally exhausted ravenette, "I know you've been struggling a lot recently. With the breakup and your parents constantly at each other's throats after separating..."

"Don't remind me!" He barked in a jovial fashion, mostly just messing around even if a small part of him was serious.

"Right, sorry dude."

"I'm just pulling your leg, at this point, I honestly couldn't care about my parents' on and off corrupt relationship as messed up as it sounds. It's been like this for," He pauses to think, "At least...8 years now, they've been like this since I was about 8." Stan finishes, laughing aloud. I nervously chuckle. Sure, he can laugh at his own problems but I'm still going to worry about him.

"Hey, Stan?"

"Yeah, Kyle?" He answers, a more cheerful tone of voice now shining through.

"I know this probably doesn't mean much coming from a guy, but I really don't think you're a loser. You may not be super popular or some shit but I really do think you're a genuinely cool person." Stan goes silent momentarily but opens the door ajar, warmly smiling at me from the other side.

"Thanks, Ky."


After having just finished 7th period, the school day ended and we began packing up our belongings, each of us leaving the classroom, some kids running and others, like ourselves, calmly making our way out.

"Y'know when I said your opinion doesn't matter because you're not a chick?" Stan started, me repressing the urge to laugh.


"I don't actually care whether you're a guy, gal, or uh, an enby person...pal? Like, it doesn't really make a big difference."

I chortle, his unnecessary and silly comments much to my amusement. I don't exactly get what his point is but I find him clarifying this random and hilarious.

"Alright, dude." Is what I respond. I considered "you're funny" but if I executed it wrong it could come across as a pretty gay comment to make, especially after him just making a comment relating to gender 'n all. I don't want him getting the wrong...well, the right idea, actually.

"So what do you think you'll do when you get home?" He asks, probably just making conversation but I can respect the effort. I might as well entertain the small talk.

"Well, I have to catch up on my assignments. I was meant to turn them in today but I didn't complete them in time. It's lucky I'm known to be a good student because Mr. Garrison was willing to let me turn it in a little later than the deadline."

"Man, you didn't end up finishing those essays? You could've just slept this morning dude, the outcome would've been the same!" He exclaimed, me trying to think of possible routes.

"Actually, not necessarily. There's this thing called the butterfly effect where one minor difference can change everything. It's a really fascinating concept, actually."

"Like that one movie!"

"Yeah, like the movie..." I awkwardly snicker. "Say, Stan, you're in the same English Literature class as I am, aren't you? Shouldn't you have had an essay due today as well?" I added, curious as to why it wasn't even something Stan had ever brought up or really even commented on despite me having rambled on about it a whole lot.

"Kyle, you know I don't do school work. Did I get that task assigned to me? Probably. Do I remember? No. Did I do it? Definitely not." He comedically replies, me giggling at his ridiculous anecdotes.

"That...really doesn't surprise me, Stan." I brush a few strands of amber hair out of my face.

"You busy this evening, Ky?" The boy inquired, straightening up his red puffball hat.

"I mean, I guess not but I should probably try to get my school work done sooner rather than later." I pause to think, "Why do you ask?"

"Me, Kenny, and Butters were thinking of having a sleepover, but of course I wouldn't exactly want to have a sleepover if you weren't there." He explained, me nodding in acknowledgment.

"I guess I could come," I reply cheerfully. "Garrison never set an exact due date for the homework so I guess it wouldn't hurt to put it off for a day or two."

"Awesome!" The tall ravenette yelled, then clearing his throat. "I mean- cool, can't wait." I snort, what a dumbass. My dumbass.

...Oh god, think straight thoughts Kyle- none of that gay shit. Stan's as straight as an uncooked noodle.

...what a weird comparison.

"Well, see you there dude!" I chime. "At your place, yeah?"

"Yeah, my place at 5 PM. Don't forget it!"

@-TIREDBLUEBOY | 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 - a style fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now