💧 He Has Come 💧

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Lily's POV

I watched how James was playing with the twins, Harry was always the smarter one even tho he is only a 8 months. "Mamma dada" said Harry in a beautiful baby voice like his father did when he was little. I came over and picked up Ruby and spun her around as she was trying to crawl then BAMM a big thud happened.

"Take the kids upstairs NOW" yelled James as he handed Harry to me and gave us all a kiss on the head, I ran upstairs and hid in the closet trying to calm Ruby down as she was scared and crying. "Mommy what's going on where's daddy" whispered Harry as he took Ruby from me holding her close and calming her down, "Daddy is downstairs he will be alright but I need you to promise me something" I said as I looked at my to kids and held them close to me.

"Okay mommy I promise" said Harry with tears in his eyes "No matter what happens I need you to promise me that you will protect Ruby okay baby" I said as tears where falling and falling from my eyes, "okay I will protect my sister now matter what happens" said Harry as he held ruby so close that she almost couldn't breath BOOM the door fell down and the kids jumped back in fear.

"Give me the children Lily" said Voldemort as he pointed his wand at me "No please leave them alone there only kids pleas" I said as I held the kids behind me and the tears where pouring down my face "If I can't have them then I will kill you" said Voldemort as he pointed his wand at me and whispered a death spell. I fell to the ground in pain the last thing I heard was Harry scream Mommy then everything went black

Harry's Pov

I saw mommy fall to the ground I let go of Ruby and went to her "mommy mommy wake up" I said as I shook her "what did you do to mommy" I yelled at the man who was here. All he did was point his wand to Ruby, I ran over and held her close to me but there was no time to hide or run away so me and Ruby closed our eyes as he zapped as with his wand then disappeared.

I looked over to see Ruby bleeding I hurried and took my shirt off and raped it around Ruby's head not even caring that I was bleeding to. "Lilly James you in here" I heard a familiar voice say "HELP" I held as someone ran in here, "oh my lord Harry Ruby are you to alright the guy said as he picked us. "Who are you" I said in Curiosity "I am Hagrid a friend of your parents" he said as he walked threw the door to a bike "where are we going" I ask as he puts me and ruby in his coat to keep us warm, "to see someone Harry" Hagrid said as he started the bike "okay" I said as Ruby snuggled into me.

We then arrived in the middle of the streets, "oh my dear Harry, Ruby are they alright what happens" said a worried yet soft voice "they are fine and 'he who shall not be named' gave them the scares" said Hagrid as he got of the bike "who are you people" I said as Hagrid set me and ruby down in a little basket thing (The one in the first movie).

" I am Professor Dumbledore I am a friend of your parents" said a old man in a cloak and long beard  "I am Professor McGonnal I am also a friend of your parents" said a old lady in a pointy hat , "where are mommy and daddy" I ask with Curiosity because they would never leave me and Ruby alone.

"That you cant know right know" said Professor Dumbledore "WHAT why can't I know where they are" i said as I sat Ruby down so she wouldn't wake up, "calm down Harry" said Hagrid trying to calm me down "WHERE IS MOMMY AND DADDY" I said as my bones started to move then I turned into something that terrified them "oh my god  what is he" said Professor McGonnal in fear, "they inherited there 5th great grandma's powers" Professor Dumbledore said as he pointed his wand at me when he did that i was a little scared.

I slowly started to turn back into my human form "what I'm I" I said shuttering in fear "your a dragon Harry" said Hagrid with a suprised look, I sat down in confusion as The three off them talked. Professor Dumbledore cane over with a note and put it in the basket Ruby is in "what are you doing" I said  while getting in the basket snuggling Ruby, "You and Ruby will live with your uncle and aunt for now and this note you will give them alright" said Professor McGonnal in a very calm and sweet voice "okay" I said with a yawn at the end I then closed my eyes as they set me and Ruby at the doorstep then everything went black (because Harry fell asleep).

The dragon Harry turned into

 Auther's note:I hope you like my story and I will post chapter 2 when I can please comment on things you want to happen and vote please

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Auther's note:
I hope you like my story and I will post chapter 2 when I can please comment on things you want to happen and vote please. 937 Words OMG YAY!!! If you would like comment or mention me in a story you think I would like. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

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