💎 Reunited 💎

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Ruby's  POV

"Wake up princess" said my dad as he was shaking me "I want to sleep daddy" I said having my eyes closed half asleep "sweetheart don't you want to go to Diagon Alley today to get the rest of your stuff and see Hagrid" said my dad. I instantly shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom to take a shower "your clothes are in there and be careful you'll hurt yourself" yelled my dad as he left my room. I went in the shower and quickly got clean and brushed my teeth and got dressed into a gray owl sweater, black leggings, and black shoes.

(I know the shoes are blue in the pic but I want them to be black so imagine the shoes black)

(I know the shoes are blue in the pic but I want them to be black so imagine the shoes black)

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After I pit my outfit on I called one of the house elves and asked her to do my hair in ponytail braids with bows in my hair

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After I pit my outfit on I called one of the house elves and asked her to do my hair in ponytail braids with bows in my hair. "There you are master Mia (i know the name isn't great but it's the best I could come up with) is done with your hair" said the elf, "Mia what did I say about calling me master call me Ruby" I said as I turned and faced her. Mia is sorry Ruby" Mia said "It's okay Mai" I said and right after i said that she disappeared. I then put my jacket on and went downstairs to eat. (I know the name Mia isn't exactly great but the best I could come up with).

Time Skip ——————————————
—————————————— Time Skip

I was walking through the book isle when I bumped into someone and fell on the floor "I'm so sorry" said the person as he helped me up "R-ruby" said the boy in front of me "H-how do you know my name" I asked the boy "I'm Harry Potter your older twin brother" he said "m-my b-brother" I said "yes" he said smiling I then hugged him and he did the same to me.  "Well it looks like the Potter Twins are reunited" Hagrid said (I don't know how do write his accent so I did this) as me and Harry let go of each other "Hagrid" I said and smiled as I went and hugged him and he did the same to me.

Time Skip ——————————————
—————————————— Time Skip

It was time to go to Hogwarts we were walking across to our platform when Hagrid looked at his watch "Blimey is that the time" said Hagrid as he looked at us "Uh well Ruby, Harry, I've got to leave you Dumbledore would be wanting this uh..." Hagrid said while patting his chest pocket, "Uh well he's be wanting to see me" he then cleared his voice and said "Your train will be leaving in 10 minutes here's you ticket" he handed me and Harry both a ticket and said "Stick to it you two it's really important" I looked at the ticket confused "But Hagrid there must be a mistake this says-" Harry finishes what I was saying "Platform 9 and 3/4 there's no such thing, is there" we both looked up to see Hagrid gone.

Author's Note:
I know this was short and not the best but I am working on it and there will be a lot more stuff coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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