♥ Chapter 7 ♥

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~Naruto Shippuden Opening Theme 1(Hero's Comeback)~

You felt yourself shiver from the wind, causing your eyes to flutter open. You sat up looking around noticing that everyone was still asleep, everyone but Naruto. Your heartbeat instantly increased as you frantically looked around for him but couldn't find him at all. Not knowing why you felt so worried but it made your heart sink deeper when you couldn't find him no where in sight. While you were busy looking for Naruto, everyone else was starting to wake up as well.

"Heyyy Mr. Kakashi where's Naruto?". Ayame asked curiously, looking around for him too. He pointed upward as everyone looked to where he was motioning to. You looked up to see Naruto standing on a tree branch like a statue a few feet away, just staring off into space.

"Did he get any sleep last night?". You stared at his back remorsefully as the memories of lastnight played inside your mind, this was a new side of him that you weren't use to.

"Alright everyone enough rest, it's time move out so let's pack up". Kakashi told everyone as they started packing their belongings. You looked at Naruto again to see that he was still glued to that tree branch, a glimpse of the sun rising could be seen from the horizon. Once again, your body betrayed you as you stood on your feet to walk towards Naruto.

"Hey Naruto!". You hollered towards him to get his attention. He flinched at your voice and turned around. When he saw that it was you he jumped down in front you making you flinch.

"Hey Kasumi, what's up?". Naruto asked as he put on a fake smile. You could tell that this whole Akatsuki situation was really bothering him, it was written all over his face. You walked up to him putting a hand on his shoulder in a comforting way, smiling weakly.

"It's okay Naruto don't worry, we'll get your friend back no matter what! so perk up okay? stop looking like a debby downer!". You smiled cheerfully giving him a thumbs up, hoping your words were supportive enough to bring that glorious smile he always held. He stood there a little shocked at your determination to help him get Gaara back, since you've never met him yet. He then looked at you as if he had something to say but had a hard time saying it, a blush rising on his cheeks.

"Uhh about lastnight...". His voice trailed off. You blinked at him curiously waiting for him to finish but ended up cutting him off.

"I understand how you feel about your friend...I know exactly how it feels to be alone because I dealt with it as a child". You looked down at your feet with a weak smile, flashbacks of your past coming into mind. Knowing what you been through, you wondered how you always managed to stay so cheerful and positive all the time.

Naruto stood there waiting for you to finish, how you expressed your situation, he could already feel himself being pulled into your story and finding himself wanting to know more about you more than ever. You took a big sigh, putting your hands behind your back while lacing them, calming yourself and trying to find your words. No one never knew of your past besides Ayame but something told you that Naruto was somebody you could trust, someone who wouldn't hurt or judge you.

"My mother died of a horrible accident when I was young, she was like my best friend and we did everything together. My father on the other hand, he and I weren't that close due to the fact he was always away on business and after my mom died...that's when i started seeing less of him to the point where he barely had any time for me...I felt like he was neglecting because of her death so I was really lonely after she died because she always helped the pain...she was always there to help me feel less different from other kids at my school who picked on me or shunned me out for being a nerd...even some of the teachers were afraid of me, they called me a demon or a monster because of my tail...something like that wasn't born on a child in my world so it horrified them...all of them was afraid of me except for mom...she was my only friend and then she left me to fend for myself...". You felt tears stinging your eyes as they began to fall, feeling you couldn't hold it in anymore, your emotions that you tried enclosing for so long was pouring out and right in front of Naruto. How did he get you to open up to him so fast? only person you cried in front of about your past was Ayame. He was so much like Ayame but only a boy version, having the ability to grow on someone without even realizing it.

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