A Few BAD Men

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Third book in the BAD series.



Bad is the new sexy

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Bad is the new sexy.

Jackson Sharp was happy with his life as an Auror, working alongside the famous Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. One assignment after another was exciting. His younger sister liked to remind him that there was more to life, but his job was his life.

Then the Magical Congress of the United States of America's President visited the Ministry of Magic and brought along his sexy, incorrigible Head Auror, Jack Times, and they'd been forced to team up to catch the infamous thief, Fyrefox. And like anything that was interesting, it became complicated. Sharp didn't do complicated. When MACUSA and Jack returned to the States, whatever was going on was put on hold for the time being. Neither, shockingly, was happy about it.

Almost six months after the Fyrefox case, Sharp finally accepted Jack's invitation to visit him in New York City, but the second he stepped into the city, it was one big magical disaster, and Sharp was left wondering if maybe this little trip was an omen for what was to come for them.

Jack, however, had other plans. He finally got Sharp exactly where he wanted him, what did it matter that the followers of an infamous terrorist from his and the President's past were showing activity again? Sharp wasn't getting away from him this time.


Relationships were complicated, not that what they had was a relationship. Not that Jackson Sharp could say anything about what a relationship was or was not. He was the job and the job was him. Had always been that way. He'd thought that it would always be that way. Until Jack.

Then the world as he knew it ceased. A man, a gorgeous, funny, reckless man changed it all, and he was left standing at a precipice.

Regardless of what he knew and didn't know, he decided to take a chance. He accepted Jack's offer to visit him in The States, a much-needed vacation if Harry Potter's words were anything to go on.

But as an Auror, he should've been prepared for what came next. After all, CONSTANT VIGILANCE was the key to survival. However, when your heart was on the line, bad things were bound to happen.

The link to the novella is attached to the external link. Please let me know if you have trouble finding it.

Happy reading!

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