12 | Perfect Opportunity

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A shock shot through Harry. He set his jaw, hands clasped behind him as he searched the crowd. Fyrefox was here, he knew it. Just waiting for the right moment to strike. Harry's gaze rolled over the President and the Minister, standing by the pedestal.

His hand clenched the other behind his back. So many people were in the crowd, more than half were men. It could be any of them. Maybe the man to Harry's left by the lifts, or the man by the front in dark green trousers and white glasses. He bit the inside of his cheek as reporters from the Daily Prophet and a few other papers jumped over each other to ask questions and get statements. He'd never get used to it, not in a million years.

Any moment now, he thought, scanning the people. Movement caught his eye, but it was only the reporters getting a little out of hand. Sharp stepped away to settle it and returned a few minutes later.

Harry caught sight of Hermione in the corner, away from the prying eyes of the reporters and most of the crowd. Her gaze never left the President, but she spoke to a woman beside her.

Dark hair, eyes caught on the pedestal. She responded to Hermione every few minutes but she seemed miles away. The glint in her eyes...

He shook his head. You're working, Potter! He yelled at himself and returned back to the crowd.

There was Andromeda Tonks towards the center of the crowd. Aqua blue hair poked out through people. Warmth spread through him. Teddy. His godson. One of the only shining things in his life. Though guilt seeped through. He hadn't seen the boy in weeks. First this assignment and the last. At least they'd gotten a day in Diagon Alley. He'd been able to get away from his paperwork and spend the day with him. It'd been nice to push the world away and just be with Teddy. They needed to do it again. With Teddy, he could be himself.

"Anything?" Ron whispered.

Harry glances over at him before returning to the crowd. "No."

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Sharp added. "If he was going to act, it would've happened already."

"Why hasn't he?" Harry whispered.

"What're you talking about?" Jack asked from Sharp's other side.

Harry peeked at him from the corner of his eye, but didn't answer, back to searching. He was right. Firefox wanted the artifact. He knew it.

"A menace to society," Ron muttered.

"Huh." Jack watched the crowd. "Sounds like trouble." A few beats passed them he added, "Maybe you should clue me in, guys."

"Fyrefox is a thief," Sharp said softly. "We believe he's here to steal the President's gift."

"We're ready for him when he does," Ron spoke up from the other side of Harry. "Don't worry."

"Well, shit. Never a break in this line of work, is there?" Jack groaned. "Just one more thing." He exhaled, and Harry looked at him. The American's gaze was on the President, and Harry noticed the tip of his wand sticking out of his hand.

Damn, this wasn't what he wanted. He knew the Americans deserved to know, but he didn't want to affect this alliance or have them spook Fyrefox. Shite.

"Do you think he'll change his mind?" Jack asked. "There is additional security. Maybe the extra freaked him."

Harry shook his head. That'd be too easy. "He's targeting the Ministry. I don't think anything's going to scare him off." He watched a man in dark glasses and black cloak walk to the front of the crowd. The hairs on his body stood on end. Was this- Except the man took a camera from his pocket and took a picture.

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