27 | Cut out the competition

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Harry's skin still burned from Ginny's touch when he stepped into Headquarters. He licked his lips, mind back in that bedroom. He shook his head and headed for Robards' office. If he could get past this, maybe he could go back-

He paused in the door frame. Ron, Sharp, Jack, Kingsley and the President were sitting with glasses in their hands.

"Harry!" Ron called, and they all turned to look at him.

Kingsley took a sip from his glass then waved him into the room. "So glad you could join us, my boy."

Harry watched as the President pulled a flask out of his suit jacket and refilled Kingsley's glass. "Are you all drunk?"

"No," Sharp said.

"Maybe," Jack said at the same time.

Laughter broke out.

He couldn't believe it. "You called me in for this?" He shook his head. "I was busy."

"Yeah, you were," Jack muttered. When Harry shot him a look, he pointed at his shirt. "You missed a button."

He laid his hand on his shirt. Sure enough, one of the lower buttons was opened. He flushed, buttoning it quickly. They all laughed, though Ron frowned at him.

"Where were you?" Ron asked.

"Dinner," Harry muttered, sitting down at one of the empty chairs.

"With a woman, I'd guess." Jack laughed. "Must've been a good one."

"You were on a date?" Ron's frown grew. "I thought you still fancied Ginny."

Harry's mouth opened then closed. What the bloody hell did he say to that? He cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses. "Why would you say that?"

"Who's Ginny?" Jack whispered.

"Ron's sister," Sharp whispered back.

Jack whistled. "Oh, man. Talk about destroying the bro code."

"The what?" Sharp asked. Harry glanced over them just in time to see Sharp leaning closer to Jack then he seemed to realize what he was doing and straightened. "Never mind, I don't want to know." He looked away towards Harry and Ron.

Jack frowned, on the verge of saying something, but Ron finally answered.

"I'm your best mate. I know you." He crossed his arms and a silly grin slid onto his lips. "Okay, maybe Hermione told me."

The group laughed, but Harry only looked at Ron. "Of course she did." He ran his hands over his face, his glasses sliding up to his forehead. Sweet mother of Merlin. "Is this why you called me here? To drink with you sorry excuse of people and talk about my personal life? Just read the Daily Prophet."

"That's total rubbish," Ron told him.

Harry's eyebrows rose. "Really?"

"No, I had Robards contact you," Sharp said. He took a sip of his glass then continued. "I met with one of my contacts this afternoon. I've been verifying the information. I don't know why, but I know where Fyrefox will be tomorrow night."

The room was silent. The only sound was his rapidly beating heart. Did Ginny have plans? What more did she want after the Golden Unicorn Horn? Was this involved with that somehow? Like the Parkinson Manor? He still didn't know why she'd been there. What was she caught up in now? Was this about Malfoy?

Anger coursed through him. That bastard. If this had anything to do with him, he'd kill him.

"Where will Fyrefox be?" He forced himself to ask. There was no way in hell she'd be there now that he knew. If he had to lock her up, he'd do it.

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