Wish on a Star | Todochako

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On a very young age, Shoto Todoroki already dismissed the idea of wishes. He used to wish, of course, being a child and all, but none of his wishes came true.

He learned it the hard way.

His first wish was innocent. Although his whole body is aching after his first day of training with his father started, young Shoto spent his night looking up at the sky. When his eyes locked with the brightest star present, he closed his eyes, pressed his hands together, and whispered softly,

"I wish I could go back to playing with my siblings."

Days have passed, but his wish was never granted.

• • •

Shoto didn't know how he was brought to the hospital. All he remembered was his mother pouring hot water on the left side of his face. He can still hear his and his mother's cry vaguely. It still hurts, yes, but he doesn't blame his mother. He knew that it's his father's fault. It always have been. But Shoto also that his mother will put the blame on herself for what happened.

He sighed as he looked outside the window beside his bed. He shifted his eyes to the sky and watched the stars twinkle for a bit.

"I wish mom would be okay."

Weeks later, his mom was sent to the mental hospital for treatment.

• • •

Growing up, Shoto always wished that their lives were better. He wished that they have a caring father instead. He wishes that Touya, his oldest brother, is still with them. He wishes that Fuyumi and Natsuo were never neglected. He wished their mother didn't have to leave. He wished they weren't abused. He wished they weren't used.

He wished they are happy.

But as Shoto expected, none of his wishes came true, so he didn't bother to wish anymore.

"Shoto, look! It's starting, it's starting!"

The dual-tone looked down at the brunette beside him, who's practically buzzing with excitement. He shifted his gaze to where she is pointing- to the sky. Shoto wondered how long it has been since he bothered to look at it.

The news has stated that a meteor shower will occur that evening, and Ochako Uraraka, being a big fan of astrological stuffs dragged him to their dorm's rooftop so they could watch it together. He didn't mind (although it's 2 a.m. in the morning and they have practical exam later), because what his girlfriend wants, his girlfriend gets.

Shoto was pulled back into reality when he heard the brunette gasped. He looked over and saw her wide eyes shining with her mouth slightly agape.

Ah, the meteor shower has started.

Shoto took the time to admire his lover. Until now, he doesn't know how he got lucky to have a beautiful, sweet, kind, and every positive adjective he could think of, to love him. He smiled softly as he watch her mutter a few words of admiration.

Maybe the stars were finally at his side.

After few seconds, Ochako finally turned his gaze towards Shoto. When she realized that the latter has been staring for a while, she smacked him lightly on the shoulder earning a small "ow" from the ice and fire user.

"Hey, stop staring! C'mon let's make a wish," she said and then turned her head upward. She smiled a little before closing her eyes and clasping her hands together.

Shoto just watched her. Even though he could say that his life is slowly getting better now, he still doesn't find interest in making a wish.

A few seconds later, Ochako oped her eyes slowly and met Shoto's monochromatic orbs. She smiled at him, making him smile in return.

"What did you wish for?" He held the brunette's hand and rubbed small circles on the back of it.

"Nah, m'not telling you." She stuck her tongue out playfully at him.

"Mmm, not even a clue?" Shoto raised his eyebrow at her, in which she chuckled in return.

"Fine, but only because I love you." She winked earning a snort of amusement from him.

"I wished something for the both of us," Ochako told him softly. He felt himself smile. She never failed to make him melt even with just her simple words.

Urged by the warmth he's feeling in his chest, Shoto pulled Ochako for a sweet kiss. The latter giggled when they pulled apart, and he felt contented.

"What about you though? What did you wish for?" Ochako asked him as they made their way back inside, hand in hand.

"I didn't."

"Eh? Why?"

"I already have my own star beside me. There's nothing else to wish for," he told her while looking at the brunette's eyes. Once again, Ochako gave him a soft smile, full of love and admiration.

Truly, Shoto meant what he said. With everything in his life slowly getting better, and with Ochako by his side,

What else to wish for?

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