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Cancun - Mexico

The sun is touching my skin, I'm hearing the waves of the sea, I extended my vacations 4 months. I really didn't want to go back to the real world.
- Miss Stark, es para usted (is for you). - Says a hotel employee.
- Gracias Julio - I grab the phone - Who dares to interrupt my vacations?
- Don't you think, you've got a pretty long vacation? - Replies a Nick Fury.
- Nicky, how is it going in the real boring world.? - I ask amused.
- Alicia... It's time. - He  says.
- send someone to the airport to pick me up, I'll be there first time tomorrow. 
Well, my vacations are over.

I arrive at the helicarrier. I recognize two figures, Coulson and Natasha, and another I've only seen on photos,  Steve Rogers. I approach them.
-Phil.. Good to see you again - I say to Coulson.  I turn to Nat . - Nice haircut Nat - I compliment with a big smile. - Nice tan Ali - She smiles back. - thank you, I was in a long  sunny vacation when Fury called.- I explain.
After what happened last year, we've actually grown very close. She was the only one I could trust, that wasn't my brother or Pepper. I turn to look at the Captain.
- I'm ...- He starts introducing himself.  
- Steve Rogers , I know. My father talked about you non stop - I cut him, he then looks at me confused.- I'm Alice Stark. - I introduce myself.
- Alice Stark as in ... - he
- The daughter of Howard and Marie Stark.- I explain
- I didn't know they had another kid.
- well not biologically, I was rescued from your old "friends"  HYDRA. When I was just a baby. - I continue.
-  You just look... So young... I mean for being their daughter, I didn't want you say you are not mature, I mean old, I mean... - He starts rambling, its so cute.
- I know Cap - I start laughing at his confusion. - I'm actually 19 but  HYDRA injected me  with a serum, just like yours, and another things when I was an embryo. except of making me muscles, and taller. They made me grow Up faster than the average people, until
I finally got this look. - I finish explaining.  - don't worry cap I am used to it - I say with a soft smile after reading on his mind his apologies.

I can see another figure approaching
- Dr Banner, good to finally meet you in person - I stretch my hand to shake it.
- Dr Alice Stark, congratulations on being the first student in graduating so young and achieving so many recognitions. - Banner tells me. I can't help but blush, nobody actually have congratulated me that much before. I was an admirer of Bruce Banner since I was a student, he was the other genius I knew, besides Tony, and well, myself. My University allowed me to work with him via emails for my thesis last year, and we worked together.
After introducing each other, the helicarrier starts moving.

-Gentlemen, Ali.. you might wanna step
inside in a minute. It’s gonna get
a little had to breathe. - Natasha advises.
There is a loud whirring and clunking sound and we make our way to the edge of the helicarrier.

Is this a submarine? - steve asks.

Really, they want me in a submerged
pressurized metal container?- a nervous Banner asks
Propellers begin to spin and the carrier begins to lift into the air.
- Oh no, this is much worse.- He continues.
The helicarrier begins ascending higher and higher. We follow Natasha into the bridge.
- Doctor, Alice. Thanks for coming, - Nick Fury says.
- I was getting to bored in the beach, either way. - I answer Nick Fury.
Thanks for asking nicely. So, um,
how long am I staying? - Bruce responds.
Once we get our hands on the
Tesseract, you’re in the wind. - nick answers. My stomach aches when I hear the Tesseract, lots of memories come to mind, how my birth mother died because the particules of the Tesseract were too much for her.
Natasha took Bruce Banner to show him the lab.
I confront Nick..- Why didn't you told me we were going for the Tesseract.-
- Because if I told you , you wouldn't have come.  And your powers are compatible with the Tesseract. - Nick confesses.
- So you need my powers not me... And I thought it was going to be different this time...You know whay Nick? you are not acting that different than HYDRA. You are  both using my powers as a weapon. - I say disappointed leaving the room.
I enter on an empty room, my eyes start to water, I hear someone approaching.
- Excuse mam' I didn't know it was occupied. - It was a  respectful Steve Rogers.- Mrs Stark, are you okay? I couldn't help but hear your conversation, I'm sorry for my intrusion
I send a little laugh, who talks like that? - Don't worry Steve, and please call me Alice . - I say with a soft smile, drying my tears.
- Ok, but are you okay? - He asks concerned.
- Yes, Steve, thank you, just the Tesseract doesn't bring me good memories, and I can see  either  does to you. - I tell Steve, he is confused, on how I knew what he was thinking. - remember that I told you that they had injected with another things.?
Steve nods.
- they were particles of the Tesseract, they gave me these habilities, such as telepathy and ...-I make a ball of energy - this , among other more things. - He looks at me with surprise.
- don't be sorry cap, I'm used to it. - I tell him.
- could you stop... Doing that? - He tries to say .
- sorry, force of habit. - I apologise with a little smile.

Alice in the Avengers (II)Where stories live. Discover now