2. The medieval man.

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We're on the carrier, Coulson wants Steve to sign his vintage trade cards of captain america, he is like a child, so cute.
- We got a hit. 67% match. Wait- cross-match, 79% . - An agent announces.
-Location? - Coulson Asks
- Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Königstraße. He’s not exactly hiding.- The agent respond.
- Captain, you’re up. - Fury tells Steve.
Steve nods and walks off. Natasha and I go into a quinjet.

We can see a big crowd of people, all kneeled and a man with an scepter, and some  weird clothing, it looks like he just came out of a medieval faire. Steve jumps from the carrier, interceding between an old man and the medieval fun looking man.
- You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing. - Steve advises
- The soldier-  the medieval man  says- the man out of time.
- I’m not the one who’s out of time. - steve responds.
The quinjet comes in behind cap, natasha and I are inside
-Loki, drop the weapon and stand - Natasha says on the over speaker.
Loki fires at the jet and I make a defensive force field to avoid it. Cap and loki starts fighting, natasha is trying to aim for shoot
.-Guy’s all over the place- Natasha tells the co pilot.
Suddenly the sound of Tony's voice appears .- Agent Romanoff you missed me? .- ACDC start to play
- what a showoff - I say out loud ., I jump from the quinjet to Tony's suite, and then to the ground.
- Make a move reindeer games - Tony warns Loki.
Loki puts his hands up - Good move.-
I approach Loki with some handcuffs.- You know, nobody likes a bully. - I handcuff Loki and take him into the quinjet. - Hello brother - I say passing Tony.

On our way to the carrier, Tony starts teasing Steve. I am focused on the scepter, I can sense it, like we are connected somehow. I can feel Loki's eyes on me, like he can sense that connection too.
- You were pretty spry for an older fellow, what's your thing Pilates.? - Classic Tony says.
- What? - Captain asks confused.
- It’s like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things. Y’know, doing time as a Cap-sicle. - Tony continues.
-Fury didn’t tell me he was calling you in. -  Steve Tells to Tony
- Yeah, there’s a lot of things Fury doesn’t tell you... I didn't even know my sister was coming, weren't you on a lost beach at Mexico? - He asks me.
- Apparently that lost beach have full connection with pirate. - I answer my brother.
There’s a flash of lightening and a roar of thunder.
- Where’s this come from? - Natasha asks
Loki leans forward, looking around, he is definitely getting nervous about something.
- What’s the matter? Scared of a little lightening? - I ask.
- I’m not overly fond of what follows. - Loki answers.

Loki looks to the sky. There’s a crash on top of the quinjet. Something as landed. Tony, Steve,Natasha and I look up. There seems to be a shadowy figure holding onto the quinjet. Natasha speeds up. Steve runs for something, he grabs his cowl while Tony grabs his helmet which attaches itself to the suit. Tony pushes a button and opens the ramp of the jet. A big blond guy with a hammer, the same hammer I saw on Coulson mind last year, enters, jumping down on the ramp. He hits Tony away, causing him to fall on Cap. He grabs Loki by the neck and jumps out of the plane. Tony walks  to the edge of the ramp.
- Stark, we need a plan of attack. - Steve warns Tony.
- I have a plan. Attack! - I roll my eyes because my complete idiotic brother has to have the last world always. Iron Man flies out of the jet and Cap makes for a parachute.
-I’d sit this one out, Cap. - Nat recommends.
- I don’t see how I can. - Cap responds.
- These guys come from legend, they’re basically Gods. - She explains.
- There’s only one God ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that. - He terminates. Cap straps on the chute, grabs his shield, and dives out the
- Why men have to have always the last word.? - I grab a chute and prepare myself to jump. - Im getting Loki, I'll tell you when I got him. - I jump.

I land near a cliff, I can see the big blond guy and Tony arguing. Loki is on the edge of the rock, the guy can scape and nobody is paying any attention to it. He turns around making a attempt to leave.   I jump from behind throwing him to the ground.
- I wouldn't try that, your highness - I hiss.
- You think an ordinary human can stop me? - He grabs my arm trying to pin me down, I can feel him entering my memories, I act quickly I push him against a rock. Making us be face to face. I look into his eyes, I try to enter his mind but he blocks me out.
- You are not an ordinary human, are you? - He looks directly to my eyes. - You are more than that, you are powerful, but how? - He tells me, basically murmuring.
We lock our eyes together for a second, but feels like hours, I can sense pain on them, without needing to enter his mind.  - A story for another time - I finally tell him.
I then hear more fighting than last time, this time with Captain America joining, this is getting interesting, I sit near the edge without taking my eyes of Loki, and enjoy the full testosterone fight. 
Suddenly a big Boom and a flash of light , appears.
- I think the show  has ended - I grab loki. - Nat, go low - I ask her.
- You could just jump. - Loki cuts in.
- I think it's a bit high for me - I spat.
- Try it. - the God insists.
- Ugh, okay, you'll see - I say annoyed,  I bend my legs and pull up making the attempt to jump, when I was going to talk back to Loki, I feel my body leaving the ground, up high, and landing on the quinjet.  I stay shocked, how did he know? a million questions go through my mind.
- Told you. - Loki says with a smirk.

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