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The feeling of being homesick is horrible, I miss the warm breeze and the sun hitting my skin giving it that beautiful glow, I miss the food oh yes mainly the food the way you just know what you were going to have by all the delicious smells that ...

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The feeling of being homesick is horrible, I miss the warm breeze and the sun hitting my skin giving it that beautiful glow, I miss the food oh yes mainly the food the way you just know what you were going to have by all the delicious smells that hit your nose the minute you walk into the house, I miss home where my family was, they're probably having the time of their life right know, learning spells and hexes by the beach hearing the waves crashing, oh how I miss home.

"Okay honey everything is set, your trunks were picked up and I've sent the house owl to Hogwarts so you can write to us the minute you get sorted" my mom explained everything while fixing my hair.

"Mom what happens if I get sorted in like a bad house I don't really know how I feel about all of this can we just go home" I reply to my mom making my way back to the same way we walked in through moments earlier, before I can get any further my dad grabbed me and spoke,"Any house you get sorted in doesn't matter honey as long as you pass all your classes you'll be fine, remember we love you for you not your house"

I sighed while putting a strand of hair and nodded at them as I grabbed my white fluffy cat and board the train, I look back to tell them I love you as the train starts moving, I was about to walk in deeper in the train when I hear, "Rose" I turn around to see my dad jogging along the train with a smile on his, only he would call me Rose I hated when others did. "No boys, okay! Focus of your studies. No Boys" I heard him loud and clear pretty sure the whole station and train did also.

As I go deeper into the train I try and look into an empty cart, when I finally find one I set my carry on bag on the top cabinet, I set down playing with Floras fur, I started thinking about how am I gonna make friends and if I'm going to fit in, what if they treat me just like the girls in Beauxbatons, the girls there always talked bad about me or how I would have my hair a new shade everyday, it wasn't classy as they would say. I was deep into my thoughts I never noticed the train coming to sudden halt I felt soo cold, flora cuddled deeper into me, I wouldn't dare get out my cart, I stayed there seated and waited for the train to start up again and went back deep into my thoughts, I kept playing with Floras fur while fixing her bow on top of her head.

Once the train started moving I let out a breath I didn't really know I was holding, whatever happened had been fixed and hopefully we'd be getting to the castle soon.

I wake up to the train coming to another sudden halt but this time we had arrived to the castle, I beautiful and very large one, I was in awe as I grab my small bag from the overhead compartment, as I walked out of my cart I crash against a girl with short brown hair, "Im so sorry I didn't see you there" I gave her a sincere smile but it suddenly dropped when she replied, "Well next time maybe look at where your walking" with disgust look and her arms crossed, "I said I was sorry I was just picking up my cat I didn't really see you there" I replied trying to hold in my temper I didn't want to be a bitch and have enemies already and I haven't even been sorted. "Come on Pansy don't be such a bitch she said she was sorry" a tall brown skinned boy said to the girl that I guess was named Pansy. "Yeah whatever lets go Blaise lets catch up with Draco" she replied with an eyeroll and walked past me pushing me a little the side I rolled my eyes and walked another way to find another exit.

"First Years come on, First Years lets go", I see a very large bearded man with dog next to him screaming out.

Well I wasn't a first year but this was my first time in Hogwarts, so do I go with the rest of my year or do I go with the first years, I didn't know what to do I was lost and almost everyone of my year was gone, until I saw three more kids coming out of the train talking,  a ginger boy and a curly headed girl were helping their friend come out of the train, I walk up to them and simply ask the girl, at least she looked friendlier then the other rude girl on the train. "Hi Im so sorry to bother you but my name is Angeline and I just transferred here on my third year and I really don't know what to do or where to go" I said looking at the three of them, "Bloody hell your gorgeous" the ginger spoke almost letting his friend go, "excuse him he's an idiot, I'm Hermoine Granger he's Ronald Weasley and -" before she could continue Ronald stops her and says "Ron my name is Ron" with a foolish smile on his face hermoine looked at him and said "and this is Harry Potter, he just fainted and were helping him out of the train" she smiled sweetly, they were so nice I hope whatever house I'm in there are people like them on in it, "You can't just be telling everyone hermoine half of the school already knows" harry replied with a groan, "You can follow us to the castle then Professor Magonagall will sort you in your house" harry looked at me with a smile.

I nod and follow them on carriages being pulled by.. nothing, cool.

Has we rode towards the castle I felt nervous of the fact that I was going to be all alone in this school, I really just wanted to go home.

I let out a sigh while still in my thoughts, "Whats wrong Angeline" Harry asked me with a small concerned look on his face, "oh really nothing Im just really nervous I feel like I won't fit in or even make friends" I said with a small smile. Hermoine looked at me and let out a small smile "once you're sorted your house will become more than just your friends they'll become like family" as she said that wed reached the castle.

They helped me while leading me the way to the great hall, there I was greeted by a lot of eyes on me, I began to feel nervous but I didn't let it show I just kept my head up, I saw Harry Ron and Hermoine making their way to their table while giving me thumbs up and a reassuring smile. I look back in front of me and see who I presume is Professor Magonigall making her way to me with a smile, "Finally we were looking for you, lets begin the sorting" she linked out hands and walked towards the front of the great hall, were the headmaster was standing, "Today starting her third year with us coming all the way from Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic Miss RoseAngeline Rolle help us give her a proper welcome" as on cue many started clapping causing me to smile a little, "right come here, sit here and ill place the sorting hat to place you in your house" Magonigall smiled looking at me, I immediately sat down on the stool letting my legs dangle just a little as she placed the dusty hat on me, they should really clean this hat a little.

"Mhmm never had a Rolle here with us, I see your very passionate for what you do a lot like a Gryffindor, but no I see more in you, very intelligent and creative like a Ravenclaw while also being very hardworking and loyal like a Hufflepuff, mhmm cunning very cunning and a lot of ambition"

The hat stayed quiet for a while everyone had their eyes on me I see hermoine and the boys in the Gryffindor table excited with their fingers crossed waiting for the hat to make a decision.

"I know" the hat spoke again and went on to yelling


I see the table to the far right next to Gryffindor table clap and cheering, same table where Pansy and I supposed Blaise sat, while Blaise clapped excitedly Pansy just gave me a slow clap with a bored look and soon returned her gaze to a platinum blonde haired boy who had a smirk on his face clapping.

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