Fire, Ash, and The Setting Sun

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He could hear his heart blaring in his ears, throat, and chest as he flushed himself against the cracking wall. The rumbling of arrows and tnt was the only thing Tommy could hear as he tucked around a wall, hands over his head.

The sound was overwhelming, as if his ears are we're about to be blown off. His arms ached, elbows grazed from the hard, broken stone walls that had been crushed and blasted to the floor. Tommy choked on the dusty air, unable to properly breathe as L'manberg fell around him.

Tommy struggled to stand, the pure force of the falling stones shook the ground, he was off balance. His hands gripped at the broken wall that he hid behind, scanning the barren but apoplectic view of his home.

"TOMMY?" A voice called out to the boy.

"TUBBO!" Tommy grinned as he spotted the other through the dust cloud.

"Oh my god! I couldn't find you!" Tubbo reaches out smuggle Tommy into a hug.

"I'm fine, Tubbo," Tommy pulled Tubbo down and behind the cracking stone, kneeling. "Where is everyone else?"

"Niki is with Wil, Jack and Eret are together!" Tubbo exclaims, putting his hands over his head as a cannon was shot once again.

"Fundy?"  Tommy shouted, trying to hear himself over the roaring thunder of the wind, fire, and dust.

"I haven't seen him, I was hoping he'd be with you!" Tubbo's eyes went wide.

"Well, does it fucking look like he's with me?" Tommy sneered, scoffing as the cannons finally stopped.

"I-" Tubbo gulped, "Yeah, and that is what worries me. Had Eret told you?"

"Told me what?"

"The thing about Fundy."

"If you say something like 'Oh he's suspicious' or some shit," Tommy frowned as he stood, "I will leave you here."

"No you won't."

"Yes I will."

Tubbo gasped as a force shoved into his body, slamming him into the ground as an arrow drenched in fire shot at where his head used to be. He coughed as he breathed in dust. Tommys eyes went wide as he lurched over to Tubbo's side.


Fundy, who still was in his fox form, stared wide eyed at the two. He barked, snarling at the other boys. Tubbo stayed on the floor and groaned, his arms grazed as he slid against the stone. Tommy helped the other up, but kept his eyes on Fundy who circled around them hurriedly. The boys stumbled up, turned to look at Fundy. Fundy bounced at their feet now, he yipped and barked hurriedly.

"We need to follow him," Tubbo coughed, breathing the dusty rubble.

Tommy sighed, keeping Tubbo close as the fox beneath them led them down the long, cracking hallways.

"I did not expect them to attack..." Tubbo sighed as Fundy stopped to look around the corner.

"Dream is unpredictable," Tommy grunted, "We have to be on our toes."

Fundy yipped at them, snarling and pushed forwards. The sun was setting and orange, pink and yellow painted the sun. Fire, fire painted the sky with ash, with the ugly grey that burned every inch of Tommy's skin, eyes, throat, and nose. The ash painted his lungs, painted the walls, painted his friends face, his other friends paws and snout, his life. Ash. Fire, ash, and the setting sun. Those where the things that tore his hopes, dreams, and family to the floor and dragged them around their own home, walls.

Tommy felt weak, unable to handle the intake of ash and pain that shot through every vein in his body. He grew drowsy, his body falling numb and limbs turned heavy. Tubbo, startled by the weight that shifted onto his shoulders. He shook the unwanted, uneasy feeling from his chest and stomach and pushed forwards.

The sudden sight of a man shocked Tubbo, the sudden human being jumped from out of the dusty shadows. Tubbo gasped as hands grabbed him and Tommy, dragging them down again as the rubble fell from above them. The hands were familair, though neither boy vouod see the face of the man. Fundy dashed over and pressed his nose to the mans arm.

"Fundy, c'mere," Wilbur, "Help me with these two."

Fundy barked in response, scowling as he pushed at the boys and Wilbur.

"Wheres Niki?" Tubbo asked, pressing himself against Wilbur in a hug.

"She's with Eret and Jack," Wilbur grabber Fundy by the scruff, "I need your help, now get out of that form." Wilbur huffed as he placed the fox down.

Tommy cringed at the cracking bones, but he kept his eyes down.

"What?" Fundy frowned, his ears poking out of his brown hair, twitching angrily.

"Go ahead of us, we need a scout," Wilbur spoke, helping Tommy and Tubbo and keeping them balanced.

Fundy nodded, turning so his back faced his father and his brothers. Taking a deep breath- he left, and the world burned in his wake.

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