Chapter 6: Brody

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Clem, You and AJ wake up when you hear people arguing through the pipes.

AJ: "What's that?"

Y/N: "I don't know." Clem and you sit up from your bed and look at your door to the room.

Clementine: "Shhh."

Clem puts her hat on, lights the candle, and picks it up. You soon get up after her and put on Kenny's hat.

Clementine: "What the hell?"

Y/N: "Shit."

AJ: "There's voices in the pipes."

Clementine: "I think someone's in trouble."

AJ: "Is it us?"

Y/N: "No, no, no. Not right now, but we should help them." Clem and you crouch in front of AJ.

AJ: "If it's a monster, we should kill it."

Clementine: "I don't think it is. You got your gun?"

AJ: "Uh-huh."

Clementine: "we'll be right back. Stay safe."

Both of you leave the room, take a left and continue through the hallway The muffled voices never seem to end.

Clementine: "Just a little farther." You reach the end of the hallway, and take a right. The voices get louder. Both of you walk to the last door on the left wall. It ends up to be a basement door, a plate on the left side of the wall tells you so.

Clementine: "Basement."

Clementine tries to open the door.

Y/N: "This locks from both sides. Can't pick it. I have to find another way to the basement." (looks at map) "A cellar door out in the yard."

You and Clem enter the courtyard. The wind and rain puts out the candle, and Clem sets it down beside a pillar.

Y/N: "According to the map, there should be another entrance to the basement around here." You walk around, and notice something leaning against the dormitory walls. As you get closer, it's a cellar door.

Clementine: "Shit, it's locked." You nod and look around, the only useable thing you can find is a brick.

You pick it up and walk to the cellar door, you raise it high, and hit it once, the lock doesn't break. You hit it twice, finally it breaks in half, sliding down the cellar door till it drops off the edge and lands on the ground.

Clem opens the doors and enters the basement, along with you.

Both of you sneak through the basement, until you reach a shelf with boxes placed on each lining and listen.

Marlon: "Damn it, Brody! We don't even know for sure it was them!"

Marlon: "he also said he got bit, which means he ain't gonna bother us."

Brody: "You know he's not alone. Those bastards are back and it's only a matter of time before they find us. You know that!"

Marlon: "I don't know shit, and neither do you! Goddamn it, Brody, keep it together!"

Brody: "There you go again, getting so mad..."

Marlon: "Well, what do you want me to do? You're making me mad!"

Brody: "Oh, we have to tell the others. About what you did."

Marlon: "Who's there? Show yourself."

Clementine walks out with you close beside her.

Brody: "Clem..."

Y/N: "What are you doing down here? In the dark?"

Marlon: "Brody and I were just talkin', go get some sleep. You deserve some shut-eye. You had a busy day."

Clementine: "You're not getting rid of us that easily. "Tell the others" what?" Marlon steps in front of you, the flashlight raised to your face.

Brody: "The man you met at the station. We got history."

Marlon: "Brody... Don't listen to her, guys, she's acting crazy. She gets this way sometimes, you just gotta tune it out."

Y/N: "Don't be afraid, Brody. Say what you have to say. What "history"?"

Brody: "Marlon let him take the twins. Him and his people."

Marlon: "Damn it, Brody!"

Clementine: "Tenn's sisters? I thought they were killed by walkers."

Brody: "That's the story we told everyone."

Marlon: "Shut up."

Brody: "Cause Marlon was so ashamed of what--"

Marlon: "I said SHUT UP!"

Marlon hits Brody with the flashlight.

Brody: "Uh...what'd you say?" She grabs her bleeding head.

Brody sinks to the floor, blood pouring out of her face.

Marlon: "Oh, shit, Brody. I'm sorry!"

Marlon sets down the flashlight and kneels next to her.

Y/N: "Shit! What have you done?!"

Marlon: "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. You're gonna be okay, I promise. Goddamn it, help! Why did you say that, Brody? I...I told you not to say it. Please be okay."

Clementine: "How? What can I do?"

Marlon: Just...just stay with her. There's a first aid kit down here somewhere, right?

Clementine: "A first aid kit?"

Marlon takes the flashlight and walks away to search the basement.

Y/N: "Clem, find me something to wrap around her head, I get a feeling he won't find something."

Clementine: "Okay, something to wrap around her head. Got it." Clem runs off into the darkness to search for a cloth.

Y/N: "'s me, Y/N Just--just stay still. Clem will find you something.

You hold Brody's right hand.

Brody: "Who? I...I can't see..."

Y/N: "Y/N, remember?"

Brody: "Y/N, you're in danger. You, Clem and AJ both.

Y/N: "What danger?"

Brody: "Marlon'll kill me if I tell. He's scared. And when he's scared, he gets angry."

Y/N "I'll deal with Marlon. I promise you that."

Brody: "Yeah...yeah, you will. You're strong. And he's not."

Brody: "If those raiders come back... Marlon said he'd let them take you."

Y/N: "Take us?"

Brody: "To make them go away. Like he he did with Tenn's sisters."

Marlon returns with Clem, just overhearing the last words she said.

Clementine: "Brody!"

Brody dies.

Marlon: "Oh, fuck, no." (drops flashlight) "Oh, no. Oh, no. What the hell am I gonna do? She's gonna turn." Marlon retrieves his pistol from his waistband in a quick second. He runs to you, and hit you in your head with the pistols butt, knocking you out instantly. The last thing you see before he runs off is him putting his gun against Clem's head while dragging her to the cellar door.

Clementine: "Marlon!" That's all you can see before the lights go out....

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