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I woke up at midnight because I heard a noise in my backyard. I saw a person with a ski mask and wearing all black. I went downstairs to see but the person was gone. I didn't really think much of it so I went back to sleep.


I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I realize that today is my birthday. Finally 16. I was sad that cole wasn't here but I'll make the best of it.

mom- nailea come down please!
nailea- coming.

i changed and did my hair added some mascara and some lipgloss and that's it. I put on my Air Forces and headed downstairs.

Nailea- yeah mom?
mom- so we are gonna meet the neighbors. Also happy birthday sweety.
Dad- happy birthday.
Nai- thanks dad thank mom. Where kairi and maiya?
Mom- oh they went to the store they didn't want to wake you up.
Nailea- ahhh I like this. They don't wake me up on my birthday.
Dad- yup. Your getting older. You finally 16. My girl is growing so fast *fake crying*
Nailea- dad I know but you have maiya.

i saw looked down because it remember that cole isn't gonna be here for my 16th birthday.

Mom- what's wrong sweetie?
Nailea- i remember cole isn't gonna be here for my birthday.
Dad- don't worry about it gonna be fine. You see kairi. He left his friends behind
Nailea- THATS different! They aren't childhood friends like me and cole.
Mom- nailea don't yell.
Nailea- i am sorry. Ima go to the mall.
Mom-kairi is coming home wait till he comes. He's gonna go with you.
Nailea- i thought he went to the store?
Mom- he did, he just went to buy milk and more eggs and stuff.
Nailea- ima eat.
Mom- okay here. Bacon and eggs with a toast and avacado
Nailea- thanks mom. Also yesterday night i saw a black figure out side in the backyard
Dad- o-oh uh it's was probably the electricity man
Nailea- coming at 2 at night?
mom- yeah also why are you awake at that time?
Nailea- water,bathroom,
Mom- oh-

When my mom was about to talk I got a call from cole.

Mom- who is that?
Nailea- it's cole. I'll be back

Incoming call from bubs💞

Hello nailea consentino speaking here.
Cole- hey how are you?
Tired and sad
Cole- why
i left you guys. Plus today is my birthday 16!
Cole- oh right. Happy birthday.
Thank you
Cole- well I have to go bye nai

I felt like he didn't remember my birthday.

Nailea- ima go bye mom dad
M&D- bye sweetie
Nailea- let's go kairi

Kairi- you good?
Nailea- no
Kairi- why it's your birthday.
Nailea- i know but Alexa didn't say happy birthday cole forgot my birthday. I lost both of them. EVEN THE BOYS.
Kairi- ugh stop screaming PLEASE!
nailea- okay it just hurts seeing them go.
Kairi- they didnt leave. You'll see them soon. No left stop before it gets worse, okay?
Nailea- okay sorry.
Kairi- it's okay.


only if she knew that we only came here for her birthday. We will eventually move back home. She's gonna stay here for a week with some friends. Me and the boys too and my sister and parents are gonna head home. We are gonna have a birthday party for her and that's when the boy's and her frie- cole will be there.

nailea- Hello? KAIRI?!
Kairi- yeah sorry
Nailea- we are here
Kairi- oh let's go.

We went inside and put on our masks (stay safe!) It was kinda empty but it's okay. We went to the food court and got ice cream.

Best friend-cole Allison Where stories live. Discover now