Chapter 19

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'Give your phone' Minho asks stretching his hand as Meera came out braiding her hair.

'Why?' Meera asks unlocking and placing it in his hands, as she went to pack her breakfast.

'I saved my number ' Minho replies handing it back after a moment.

'I will post this online. Hah you are dead meat now Minho shi' Meera blackmails checking the contact list.

'That's why I gave you my managers number. You think I am that careless?' Minho says sticking his tongue out.  

'Huh. You are smart I will give you that. But what should I tell your manager if he asks who I am?' Meera asks curious.

'I just hope such situation don't arise. Where you need to contact me.' Minho replies.

'I am not dying to call or text you. I asked you just in case something happens, or we need something at home. Forget it self centered person.' Meera says as she goes out.

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'Hey Meera. How are you?' Minseok says as Meera picks the call.

'Hello Minseok shi, I am good. You left abruptly that day.' Meera replies.

'Yes, I got an urgent call. Is Minho good to you?' Minseok asks.

'Yeah, he nags a bit but its fine. Its his house after all.' Meera answers.

'Haha. It takes time for him to adjust.' Minseok explains.

'How are aunty and uncle?' Meera asks diverting the topic.

'They are fine. I actually called you to invite for dinner.' Minseok suggests.

'Oh that's nice of you. I wanted to visit you before I move out this week.' Meera replies.

'You are moving out?' Minseok asks surprised.

'Yes. I got a flat for rent near office. I am moving there this friday.' Meera informs

'Oh that's nice. I will ask Minho to get you home today. What time does your work get over?' Minseok asks.

'I will text him Minseok shi. See you for dinner' Meera replied and hung up.

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 'Hyung? Am I her driver?' Minho complained as he heard Minseok's request.

'Hey, its just for this week. I heard she is moving out.' Minseok convinced.

'Fine. I will get her' Minho said walking towards the NCT floor.

He looked around to find Meera but she wasn't there, but Mark came out noticing him.

'Sunbaenim, hello.' Mark bowed and others turned their attention towards the door.

'What a sudden surprise' Taeyong greeted hesitantly.

'I came to cheer for you. You guys are practicing so hard for the comeback' Minho claps and everyone thanks him.

'Please have a seat ' Johnny says giving him a chair as the they all settle down.

'Don't get hurt okay. My best wishes are with you' Minho smiled as he remembered his early days.

'Means a lot Sunbaenim' Taeyong replies.

'You can call me Hyung' Minho suggests giving a scan through the room.

'Looking for someone Hyung?' Ten asks curious.

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