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After six days of running with few brief breaks, we finally manage to glimpse the Ford. That's the river that leads into Rivendell. We run into the water and trudge through it. I get to the land and shake off all the excess water, while I watch there hobbits do the same.

I look to Strider and we start up the hill. Bridges. Beautiful hand carved bridges, lying above the Ford to let those who live in Rivendell and those who visit, to be welcome in and leave in safety.

I smile to myself as the hobbits stare in awe. It's been a long time since the last time I was here. Too long, is I may add. This was the last time I saw my older brother Aragorn. I ran away. Not from him, no. To be free. To do as I wish, that's why I went ranger. I am free. I am pleased. I can save lives, while staying anonymous. A life where I can stay in the road. Call any place my home. Never needing anyone, never really being noticed.

When I was a kid, it was a life I couldn't only dreamed of.

Aragon always wanted me to what I wanted, but our godfather, Lord Elrond, wanted us to be mannered and well behaved. Of course, I am. He also had us trained for battle. With bows, swords, daggers. Basically any other weapon known to middle earth.

I was 16 when I decided I wanted to leave Rivendell.

When I went to tell godfather Elrond, he despised the idea of me leaving on my own. He told me to rethink how I wanted to spend my life. To act as if I was going to rule Gondor along side my elder brother. I hated the idea of having all this attention on me. Waiting on my every word before they did something. So, like I said, I ran away.

I couldn't take the pressure. And, I still can't.

I snap away from my 'blast of the past' and turn to Strider. He looks at me with a slight smile and I return it kindly. Resting my hands on my waist, I let the warm summer breeze sweep my brown hair from my shoulders. I take in a deep breath of fresh air as we start over a bridge.

We reach the gates and elves seem to stop and smile at us. Some lightly nod their heads, and others come right up and say welcome home or welcome back. I always smile in return and say a well mannered thank you.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn to see Arwen. A small smile on her face. So I give it back. She nods her head toward a more secret area and I nod in understanding. I turn to Strider and give a small point, as to say where and what I'm doing. He smiles and ushers me to go, with his hands before turning and leading the hobbits to where Frodo should be getting healed.

I follow Arwen to the secret spot and she turns to me. Her long brown hair flowing into her face.

"Alyssa." She says, looking deeply into my eyes. "How have you been? Father's been worried sick about you, it's been years since he last saw you."

Arwen brings me in for a hug and I oblige. I hug her back, my head resting on her shoulder before she pulls away and looks back into my eyes.

"Have you seen him yet?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Who?"

This time, she raises an eyebrow at me. "Your brother, Aragorn. Have you seen him yet?"

I shake my head, my brown hair, bouncing from side to side lightly. "No. I haven't seen him since I was 16 and he was 20."

Her eyes widen a little bit, she then points behind us and I look. Only she's pointed at the way Strider had gone with Merry, Sam and Pippin. I shrug and look back at her.

"Then you mean...?" Arwen asks. "You haven't noticed yet?"

"No." I say. "I guess not."

"Well." She says, fidgeting with her hands. "I guess you'll know when the times comes. Now, go on and see Father!" She lightly and playfully pushes me the way towards Godfather Elrond.

"Alright, alright." I laugh, placing my hands up in mock surrender and walking away with a smile. "I'm going, in going. See you later, Arrie!"

She laughs and waves exaggeratedly. "Bye Alsie, (Al-SEE)!"

I walk up the stairs, to my godfather's chambers and I raise a hand to knock, but two voices from inside catch me off guard. I hesitantly lower my hand, and listen in on the voices. One's Elrond's, no doubt about it. But the other, is...


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