The Meeting Of The Ring

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I sit on the bed shaking as Aragorn hugged me tightly. I had told him everything I had heard from that voice, the voice was evil no doubt, but who did it belong to? I turn to my older brother and look him right in the eyes. I can see the worry he has for me. A knock sounded on the door and I turned around. Godfather Elrond opened the door and saw us on the bed.

"Alright you two, it's been decided. There will be a meeting about the ring tomorrow night." He declares, then looks to my red eyes. "Alyssa, what happened?"

"She was spoken to, godfather." Aragorn speaks up for me. I sniffle and nod. "But we don't know who from."

Elrond's eyes widen slightly. "What did they voice sound like?"

I wipe my damp eyes. "Uh, if was deep and harsh. It was making me scared and uncomfortable..."

"Alyssa." He says, walking over and taking my hands. "That was either Sauron or Saruman trying to break you."

"R-really?!" I panic.

Elrond nods slowly and I share a worried glance with my brother. He takes me by the shoulders and hugs me dearly me closely. He starts stroking my hair and cooing out gentle, soft words as I start to cry into him.

"Is there anything we can do?" Aragorn asks, worry in his tone.

Elrond shakes his head sadly. "Not that the moment, no."

**Time Skip (The Meeting)**

I take a seat beside my brother and look around. I'm the only women here. I notice some people giving my strange looks and I look away shyly, blushing lightly. Aragorn smiles lightly and pats my hand gently.

"Don't worry about them, Alyssa." He whispers with a kind smile. "If godfather wants you here, than you're good enough to be here."

I nod. "Thanks Aragorn."

"Anytime, little sis."

"Friends of old, strangers of distant lands." Elrond begins. "You have all been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Frodo, please, bring forth the ring."

Frodo stands silently and walks to the centre of the room, laying the golden ring upon the pallet in front of the entire council. He walks back to his chair and sits down with his hands crossed in his lap.

"So it is true." We all turn our heads to look at the Gondorian man. "The one ring has been found. This is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor. Give Gondor the the weapons of the enemy. Long have your lands been kept safe, by the blood of our people."

I look at him with a hard glare. "You cannot wield it. None of us can."

"The one ring answers to Sauron and Sauron alone." Aragorn finishes for me.

"And what two rangers, know this matter?" The man spits.

"These are no mere rangers!" A blonde elf stands in anger. "This is Aragorn and Alyssa, son and daughter of Arathorn and the rightful rulers of Gondor."

"Havo-dad, Legolas. (Sit down, Legolas)." Aragorn says in elvish.

"Gondor has no king." He hisses. "Gondor needs no king."

"Then it has been decided." Elrond states, rubbing his forehead. "The ring must be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this."

The men then start into a loud and hearted argument. My brother stands and starts to get in on it as well, but I just stay silent and watch. Seething in silent anger.

"I will take it!" I suddenly hear a voice call out. A small voice. I turn to see Frodo. My heart sinks as he stands and yells it again. "I will take the ring to Mordor!"

The room falls silent, as they turned to the small hobbit with looks of surprise, worry and grief.

"Although." Frodo continues. "I do not know the way."

"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins." Gandalf says laying a hand on Frodo's shoulder and offering him a small smile. "As long as it is yours to bear."

"If by my life or death." I hear Aragorn say. "If I can protect you, I will. You have my sword."

He went and kneeled in front of Frodo, since he's offering him, his allegiance. I take in a deep breath. I look to him as he stands and moves behind Frodo.

"You have my daggers, Master Baggins. And if this quests claims my life, but you stay alive, so be it."

He smiles sadly at me and I move behind him. I stand beside my brother and give him a small nudge and a light smile. He returns it.

"That's very brave of you Alyssa." He whispers to me.

"I know." I say, with a small laugh.

"You have my bow. " Legolas say, stepping forwards.

"And my axe." Says a dwarf, holding his axe up proudly.

Him and Legolas share an irritated glance with each other, before they step up and stand with the rest of us.

"Oi!" I hear a familiar voice. "Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me!"

I see Sam jump out from hiding and stand beside Frodo. I smile at him and rest a hand on both Frodo's and his shoulders in a comforting 'I'm here for you' way.

"Hey!" Says another voice. "We're coming to!"

I watch as Merry and Pippin run out and towards the fellowship. They stand on either side of Frodo and Sam.

"Yeah." Pippin chimes in. "You'll have to send us home, tied in sacks to stop us!"

"So be it." Elrond says with a light and smile. "You shall be the fellowship of the ring!"

Applause erupts from the others in the council. I smile brightly and squeeze Frodo and Sam's shoulders before the fellowship breaks to go their separate ways until tomorrow morning.


Hey guys, Kathryn here and I just wanted to let everyone know I'm starting some one shots! So if you would like to request, feel free! And I'm freaking squealing 1.52k reads? OMG!! Thanks so much!

I am also shooting for 100 votes on this story. And following me, makes me feel loved (not like the 1.52k reads doesn't make me feel loved, because it sure as hell does!) so thanks so much and enjoy my updates!

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