The One Where They (Almost) Got Lost

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Alternatively Titled:
They Should've Just Stayed at Home

It was another average day in the Johnjae household.

Jaehyun was on the couch with pens, highlighters, and books in his lap and he even had some glasses on.

It was safe to say that Jaehyun was actually studying for once in his life, he didn't really want to, but he had a test coming up and he wasn't planning on failing it. So he had to do what he had to do.

And that was studying instead of relaxing in bed with his boyfriend all day and getting an unlimited supply of butterfly kisses, dirty jokes, and cuddles.

Meanwhile, Johnny was sitting upside down in the recliner staring at the tv which was showing a very dramatic k-drama that he had no idea what was going on in.

Johnny was very, extremely, EXCRUCIATINGLY bored.

His classes were cut short today so he picked up Jaehyun from his class and the pair grabbed a quick lunch, but now Johnny wishes that he just stayed in class or at least was doing anything besides what he was doing right now.

Which was nothing.

"Jaeeeeeeee." Johnny whined.

"Hm?" Jaehyun answered, not looking up from his notes.

"I'm bored."


"We need to go do something."

"I am doing something."

"I mean something together."

Jaehyun looked at Johnny who was still upside down on the chair and his long legs were hanging over the back of it.

"Like what?"

"Let's go to the park and take a walk." Johnny suggested.

Jaehyn took a look at his smartwatch for the time, "Later."

Johnny groaned, but took it since it meant they would still end up doing something. 

Several hours later

Quite a while had passed, but the pair were still sitting in the house.

Johnny was still very bored while Jaehyun was now at the kitchen table with his notebooks, notecards, highlighters, pens, pencils, and other studying materials sprawled out in front of him and he looked very stressed.

"Babe, can we leave now?"

"You asked me that like 2 minutes ago."

"Yeah, and 2 minutes ago you said 'in a little bit', but here we are, you liar."

"Johnathan, I will not be taking this disrespect. So I'll ask you a very important question. Could you kindly shut up?"

"No." Johnny quickly retorted with a pout.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes, but nonetheless went back to what he was doing, which was exactly what Johnny didn't want.

So, he decided to go with the last plan his brain came up with.

He crept up behind Jaehyun's chair and planted a soft kiss in the dip of his collarbone, which for sure shook Jaehyun up, but he regained his composure and continued highlighting words.

Then, the kisses stopped being so soft to the point where Jaehyun was sure that you'd see some of the hickies for a while.

"Fine!" the younger male exclaimed, now too distracted to begin studying again so instead he got out of his chair and went to go get his shoes.

"Jae, you're wearing your pajamas."

"I'm aware."

"You're not gonna change?"

"If I go change in the bathroom you're either going to follow me and bug me or make sure that I won't be able to walk for the next couple of days, so no thanks."

Johnny rolled his eyes, but in his head he was agreeing.

And after that statement, Johnny grabbed his keys and the pair left the house.

About an hour later

"Jaehyun, I swear, the park was right here last time I drove here!"

"So you're trying to tell me that a whole park just got up and left?"


You see, the pair were lost.

Jaehyun thought that they were going to go to the normal park that they went to all the time, but then Johnny suggested that they go to a park he saw on his way home one day.

And that's where they were headed, until Johnny thought that they should take a 'shortcut'.

Where did he get this stupid ass idea from, I have no idea, but it was absolutely terrible.

He was taking a shortcut to somewhere that he didn't even know the exact address of.

Not to mention how pissed Jaehyun was getting.

But, they decided to go on since they saw lights illuminating the sky as they continued walking the way Johnny had decided was a shortcut.

As they continued on, they realized that the area was very familiar, but soon they recognized everything from the park benches to the rusting playground. 

That's when it dawned on them that the park was the one that they normally go to and had been going to since they met.

After being completely aware of their surroundings, the boyfriends had done what Johnny suggested earlier in the day and went on a walk through the park hand in hand after getting some snacks from a corner store. 

Though, the original plan wasn't for them to go walking at 11 pm.

And the plan obviously wasn't for them to momentarily get lost.

But, since it was so late, everything around them was quiet so they were able to walk, talk, and stare up at the stars without any people asking them to take pictures for them or anyone trying to sell them off-brand Gucci.

Actually, Johnny was staring up at the stars while Jaehyun was staring at him, but he was pretty much a star to the younger man anyway.

Jaehyun was wondering how he was so lucky to have an amazing boyfriend like the one standing next to him.

Although Johnny could be really annoying sometimes, he still loved the older man and that was truly all that mattered.

And so, it all ends, it ends well.

Well, except for Jaehyun's grade in that class because he was studying the wrong unit that whole time.

Oh well.

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