-- ❤️ Part - 4 ❤️ --

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On the other hand when Vicky reach XYZ cafeteria he found shahnaaz is sitting. She was looking pretty in salwar kameez. she was looking very pretty in that. Vicky was impressed with this only. When he reach to the table she welcomed warmly and there was no sign of arrogance or anything else as Vicky was 30 minutes late and she was waiting there patiently.

Vicky – myself Vicky Roy brother of Sidharth and I’m really sorry u have to wait for me as

Before he could complete shahnaaz spoke

Shahnaaz – u don’t have to be sorry I’m know u must b stuck with some work or in traffic.

Vicky – I will not say anything indirect..as I want to ask u are u happy with the marriage. I know my brother had took wrong way to marry u but he really loves u.

Shahnaaz – I will also tell u that I know about the deal which happened between my dad and ur brother.

On hearing this from her Vicky was little shocked. That how she knows.

Vicky – how u know about this as I don’t think ur parents will let u know about this.

Shahnaaz – They didn’t told me I have my own sources to know.

Vicky – when u know this marriage is based on deal then why u accepted.

Shahnaaz – It’s because of I had promised my mom and she used that this way.

Vicky – I can sense ur not happy with this marriage but I can assure you that u will not regret ur decision of marring my brother.

Shahnaaz – I know I will not regret as I had took all the information about ur brother and whole family.

Vicky – Impressed. But one thing in that I will insure u that u will find ur brother in me. I will support u before Sid in any of ur decision.

Shahnaaz – I’m glad to know that I found brother in u. I had always wanted for love I think I will get that in ur family now. But honestly I want to say u as brother that I will surely teach lesson to ur brother as the any relationship is not to be taken as deal. I know u will be upset with me on this

Before she complete Vicky interpreted..

Vicky – I’m with u

Shahnaaz was bit shocked on that Vicky said

Vicky – I know u won’t believe me but honestly I’m with u as I was also bit upset with Sid for the way he took to marry u surely he should get the lesson and I can assure you my whole family will support u in this without letting know Sid.

Shahnaaz – That’s so sweet of u

Vicky – But I can assure u Sid had chosen wrong way to marry u but he really loves u

Shahnaaz – If he really loves me than he will accept my all tantrums and the way I will behave with him only.

Vicky – Ok but not that much which u urself can’t change.

Shahnaaz – Ok I assure u on this that I will not cross the limits. And that time only I will take to know him better.

They both discussed the how to learn him lesson that relationship is not meant at deal and Vicky also told her before marriage don’t meet him instead how much he request u.


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