[1] Intended Deception

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A coward he was.

Using me as a prop to keep his dirt concealed and unseen in the dark, perfectly hidden.

The obvious signs were all there screaming at my face but I blindingly ignored it. Stupidly overlooking something as clear as the color of the sky.

I was severely blinded.

If he simply had wished for a child, I would have given him right then and there. Or maybe even those expensive shoes that he so dearly wanted, I would have gotten them for him nevertheless. But no.

He had asked for something I myself was desperately begging him to give me.


He had wanted it not from me but from someone else's.

Really, that felt like a slap in my face.It was like someone poured and drenched me with an ice-cold water all over.

I was stunned, frozen to the core.

Holding my tears at bay, I gripped the steering wheel hard.

I had come again; going back to the same spot a few feet away from his cabin, I missed no chance. The pattern repeating. Maybe that's what I really was to their 'relationship' to begin with.

A watcher. The real outsider.

It has been a few weeks already since he'd dropped the bomb on me but it still bothers me. Obviously, my mind can't handle the pain and trauma it had suffered that even in my sleep, it was there chasing me hauntingly.

Gripping my coat tighter to my body, I reached for the packet of cigarettes in my compartment. I was so caught up with stress that I had resorted inevitably to sudden addiction in smoking.

I can't help it though, it was my only outlet.

Lighting one stick, I watched them from the window of my truck.

The usually reserved guy that I had been blindingly in loved with for years was openly gyrating his hips like a bitch in heat to Leo--- my snake of a friend.

I scoffed.

Who knew he had this side of him, he can't even get me to reach my orgasm yet here he was acting like a dutiful partner.

Giving me the speech of how he was not completely comfortable and honest with me, he threw them in my face like I'm the one to blame for his unfaithfulness. His mistakes were my entire fault, he made sure to pass the message clear.

What rubbish.

Dragging a hit, I watched bitterly how Lucas--my supposedly fiancé--hurriedly ripped off Leo's clothes, desperately kissing and touching him. Lifting Leo up to the kitchen counter I used to make him breakfast at; they were hungrily humping each other's body like unrestrained dogs.

If I hadn't known their treachery, I'd say it was awfully passionate.

I actually don't know what hurts the most, him tricking me into thinking we have a future together or was it when he cheated on me with someone whom I have treated like my own brother.

I watched them with a heavy heart.

Staring at them both made me realized how fucked-up everything was, that my supposedly groom had his supposedly best man pinned to our supposedly kitchen counter.

I was shaking in disgust.

His supposedly bride...

Noting how huge their grins were plastered on their faces, they must have felt really ecstatic and thrilled that they have gotten rid of me finally. It was as if they had not ruined me in the process.

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