Chapter 2: Free Time

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Hajime's P.O.V

I got out of my cottage, It's still early since i'm the only one here in the restaurant, It's quite Peaceful to be honest, Nothing is wrong, It's just.. Peaceful, But the Atmosphere is kind of.. I don't know, It just seems.. Odd? I sigh and went to the very back and started eating my breakfast, all suddenly it started raining, I stared at the window looking at the rain drops, It was confusing since we were at a island, What's happening? Since when was it possible to rain in an island? I sigh, and continue eating breakfast.

Nagito's P.O.V

It's.. Raining? Weird, I got out of my cottage and pulled my hood up so i wouldn't get wet, I go into the restaurant, No one was in there, I grabbed my own breakfast and then noticed a Ahoge Sticking out of a chair, Must be Hajime. Was the first thing i thought, I went to sat beside him and to my surprise he didn't notice me, I looked at him, and i can tell he's spacing out, I poked his cheek.

"Hinata-Kun? Are you there?"

I asked, He didn't move, all he did was chew his food slowly, I guess he was spacing out still? I pinched his cheek and he flinched, then looked at me.

3rd Person's P.O.V

"Wh- Ow! Nagito?! W-When did you get here?!-" Hajime said, looking shocked and backed away, leaning on the wall while Nagito Just sat beside him, then started getting near him, Every inch Nagito used, Hajime backed away, At this point, Nagito was inspecting Hajime, seeing if he was alright, since he was spacing out, All Hajime did was froze in place while having a fade shade of red on his cheeks, And then they heard a voice.

"Hellloooo!? Is anyone Theerree??! Don't worry! It's just Ibuki!"

Nagito sat on the other side of the chair, while Hajime leaned on the wall and stared at him, Then Ibuki came and looked at the Two, Nagito began eating while Hajime just smiled at Ibuki.

"Hello Hajime, and Nagito! Ibuki would like to know why you two decided to sit in the back when it's raining!"

Hajime was Embarrassed and looking for an excuse in his head, And then Nagito spoke while eating his Toast.

"Ah, I just wanted to sit Beside Hajime."

"Ohh! Ibuki understands now! Ibuki will know get a drink! Ibuki's Thirsty!"

And at that exact Moment, Ibuki walked away and went to the Vending Machine, Nagito then looked at Hajime while eating his Bagel.

"So, Hajime, Are you alright? Is something wrong?"

"Huh? What do you mean?-"

"You have been spacing out and look sad, did something happen? or anything at all?"

"No no-- It's nothing i've just been.. Worried you know?"

"Well, I guess it wouldn't be normal if you're not worried but calm at a time like this.."

"Hey! Love Birds!"

Both Hajime and Nagito were shocked on the word 'Love Birds' and turned around to look at Ibuki who had a orange juice can on her hand.

"Togami is Hosting a Party Later! Ibuki also heard him saying EVERYONE must attend!"

"A.. P-Party?"

"Where Exactly, Ibuki-san?"

"In the Old abandoned house! Nanami-San and Monomi along with The Other females have cleaned it already! Ibuki is impressed on how quick they did it!"

All Thanks to my Luck.. | [Komahina]Where stories live. Discover now