Chapter 8: I'm Ending it.

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{Time Skip After Gundham's Trial and a lot of Tears that were shed. Love you Gundham smh you're the best character with them 4 dark devas of destruction of yours--}

Hajime's P.O.V

That Trial.. I- I can't feel regret again.. I- It's just the next day, All though it was very sad because Sonia cried, I can tell Sonia really loved Gundham's Pets, On the other hand Kazuichi tried to Cheer up Sonia with the remaining Animals that were with the Two. Guess that could work.

I was sitting across Sonia, and Beside Fuyuhiko who was beside Kazuichi. I also noticed Both Nagito and Chiaki weren't here, Which caused my heart to drop, I was scared, Worried.

"Hey. Hajime? Is it.. Kind of odd that Chiaki and Nagito aren't here?"

"I know. It made me worry just now, I mean i know Nagito said he'll grab something quick but he never came back, same with Chiaki."

"Maybe he just can't find what he had to grab? and Maybe Chiaki went to the Hotel or something"

"At a time like this dumbass? I don't think so."

"Should we.. Check if they are alright..?"

"I mean yea sure we can go on a scavengers hunt for two People who Hajime loves, Yea Mhm. at a fucking time like this."

"Look, I know i've been spending most of my times with them but i'm being honest when i say this. Both of them get my worries pushed away. And of course if i start panicking it'll end in a bad way."

"Fine. We'll look for them, If anyone finds them, Tell us or the nearest person you see. I'll go to the restaurant. Sonia and Kazuichi can check the Beach, While YOU and Akane can check their cottages."

"Alright! Let's go!"

"Come on Hajime!!"

I stood up and everyone seperated, I was with Akane, i trust her. But not as the way i trust Nagito, We decided to look at Nagito's Cottage first. We turned the Knob and notice it was opened, We got in, and when we almost got in- We were called by a voice. It was Chiaki's.

Chiaki's P.O.V

"Hajime? Akane? What are you guys doing?"

"Ah! Chiaki you scared me.."

"Oh, Heya Chiaki! Where did you come from?"

I had to distract them, They ran up to me and i sighed, Looked at both of them with my game shutted off.

"I came from my Cottage, Why'd you ask? also why were you about to go into Nagito's Cottage?"

"We just wanted to check if he was fine. And i'm glad you're alright."

"Hey, Hajime, Since we found Chiaki, we should tell the others right?!"

"Yea but.. I was hoping to find Nagito also.. Chiaki do you know where Nagito is?"

"I haven't seen him, Sorry. I was too focused on my game."

"Well then come on! Let's go to the Hotel! Hajime, Chiaki come with me!"

Akane grabbed both of our hands, i sighed and started running, Hajime.. He really cares so much for Nagito.. But him knowing Nagito's Plan is just.. Worst, But this is for everyone. I just hope Nagito is alright. We then arrived and Fuyuhiko ran up to us.

All Thanks to my Luck.. | [Komahina]Where stories live. Discover now