Chapter 4

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Emily chuckled as she watched JJ bounce up and down on her toes, biting her lip in anticipation. Truthfully, she was just as nervous and excited, she was just better at hiding her emotions due to her upbringing. Emily slipped her hand into JJ's and squeezed it gently. JJ looked up at Emily and smiled sheepishly. "I'm excited." She admitted.

Emily grinned. "Me too."

Emily and JJ had woken up the morning after the case and met with the team down at the station to finish up some paperwork before heading home. They had told Hotch what they wanted first thing and contacted the DCFS worker that had been there the day before. Everyone was a little surprised, but once they realized how sure Emily and JJ were, they had their full support. After spending almost two hours talking to the social service worker Emily and JJ had filed to be foster parents of Rachel. Pending a background check, Rachel could come and live with them within a week or so. Emily was upset at the thought of the little girl having to spend a week in a group home, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Emily and JJ had went and talked to Rachel before they left to fly back home. The little brunette was sitting on a bed in a barren looking room. Emily gave Rachel a tiny smile and went to sit down next to her. JJ, seemingly unsure, stood in the doorway and watched them.

"Hi Rachel, do you remember us?" Emily asked gently.

"Yeah, Agent Emily and Agent JJ." Rachel answered, keeping her head down. Emily looked up at the blonde standing in the doorway.

"That's right." Emily said with a small smile. "Rachel, JJ and I were wondering if maybe you would want to come live with us?"

Rachel looked up at Emily unsure and confused. "For how long?"

"As long as you want." JJ said, moving down to sit on the other side of Rachel. "Social services needs us to fill out some paperwork and we can come back and get you in about a week. If you want. But we would really love it if you wanted to come live with us."

Rachel shrugged and turned her gaze back to the floor. Emily and JJ shared a look and bid her goodbye, promising to come back in a week. From the look on Rachel's face, it was clear that she didn't believe them. It had been harder to leave the little girl than they thought. Emily was surprised at how much she worried about her already. JJ had been edgy and agitated the entire week as they waited to hear back from the social worker. It was causing Emily to be just as stressed out, which in turn, set the entire team on edge. It had felt like the longest week of their entire lives. Every hour seemed to drag on slower than the one before it. When the social worker finally called and said they had been approved Emily heard JJ scream from all the way down in Garcia's office. Worried she glanced at Garcia and was about to bolt out of the room as JJ ran in flustered.

"WE GOT HER!" JJ yelled excitedly.

"What? Seriously?" Emily asked getting up out of her chair and moving over to JJ. JJ lunged herself at Emily and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"We got her." She whispered.

"Rachel?" Garcia asked. JJ nodded, releasing a very happy looking Emily slightly and beaming at her best friend. "OH MY GOD!" Garcia screamed and ran over to hug the two women. "You're gonna be mommies! I'm gonna be an aunt! Oh I am going to spoil this kid rotten, can I get her a tutu? Oh I can't wait! When does she get here?"

"We can get her tomorrow morning."

"Seriously? That soon?" Emily asked JJ. The blonde nodded excitedly, then quickly frowned.

"We don't have anything ready! We have to get her room set up! I'm going to ask Hotch if we can leave early." JJ ran out of the office without another word, leaving a stunned Emily and Garcia in her wake.

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