Chp. 3-Another rainy day

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Arriving home, I kicked off my heels and went straight to the kitchen, grabbing my wine and a glass before plopping down on the couch.

I turned on the tv and stared at the screen blankly thinking about the day I had.

I still can't believe it after 3 years I'm finally free.

She left.

Lila left me and I'm free again.

After years of heartache and being a victim of her abusive ways she finally left.

5 months ago I caught Lila in bed with an old friend from the university.

She was in between the girl's legs and hadn't noticed I was there until her toy came off of her high.

After that incident, she treated me as if I'm the one who made the mistake. As if I were wrong for interrupting.

My father of course tried blaming the situation on me and constantly reminded me not to lose her if I wanted my share of the company.

I don't want a part of the company that's the thing after my mother died my father tried to sell her half and that meant all of her hard work would go down the drain and unnoticed. I wasn't willing to let that happen so we made a deal.

My father would let me keep my mothers half if I stayed with Lila.

The reason Lila is so special is that her father, who is also a lawyer, is the man my father is trying to partner with for his new firm.

Now that there is no more Lila, he has no firm to build which means Mom's name will soon be forgotten.

I walked around with all that on my chest until I saw Eliana.

She was breathtaking and truth be told her smile made me forget all my problems.

Do I want to be friends with the woman?


Is it because she's stunning?


I still can't believe the confidence I had around her. I think it was the pantsuit.

I looked up breakfast spots and found 'Le Pain Quotidien' which was about 10 minutes away from Liberty Island.

I saved the address and ordered a cab for tomorrow morning.

I wasn't sure if Eliana was busy with the girls or asleep so instead, I sent her a text

'Hey Eliana, It's Charlotte and I was just texting you to see if we were still on for tomorrow... If so, I found a breakfast spot and I've ordered a cab so I can head over to you. Have a wonderful evening beautiful.'

I grew anxious waiting for a reply but, found a distraction in my closet.

I grabbed Lila's clothes and started to put them in trash bags.

I'll have Miguel, Dad's assistant take them down to the Salvation Army for donations. Hopefully, someone will make good use of these.

I heard my phone chime and I practically leaped over the ottoman reaching for it.

I took a deep breath before flipping it over and reading what it said. Dramatic, I know but I honestly just want her to be a little bit interested in me...

Jesus Christ, I sound desperate.

I unlocked my phone and clicked on her message.

It read: 'Hey Charlotte! I hope you got home safe, again Thank you for an amazing afternoon. Yes! I'm still up for tomorrow. You picking me up isn't necessary dear, I'll find my way. Just text me where you want to meet up. Thank you again🤍'

She sent a heart...

What does that mean??

Maybe it's just how she talks you're not special Charlotte.

I shook my head and rubbed my temple. What do I say now?

Oh, come on Charlie you've flirted with tons of women before.

But I'm not flirting... I'm being friendly, that's what we are friends. Right?

I didn't want her to think I had fallen asleep so I quickly replied

'Don't be silly sweetheart, send me your address and I'll be there at 11 at the latest for you and your princesses. Now, have you girls eaten? You didn't have trouble getting home did you?'

'No no, we got home fine thank you. Yes, the girls ate. Did you? And I forgot to tell you, I think your eyes are rather enthralling..'

I blushed reading the message and felt my heartbeat speed up a bit but quickly caught myself

My my, Charlotte, what is this behavior?

'Thank you, you're quite the charmer aren't you?'

'Only for the pretty ones 😉' she responds causing me to chuckle at her using my line

'Oh look at you picking up my lingo, looks like I'm already wearing off on you.'

It went like that for the rest of the night. We flirted back and forth. We even got to know each other a little.

She's only 23 which means she had her daughters very young. She's from Brooklyn but her parents are from Egypt and Palestine which explains her accent.

She is a sight for sore eyes.


"Wait no don't go yet how do I look?" I asked Miguel while posing for him

"You look as gorgeous as ever Charlotte. What's the occasion?"

"Lunch with a friend" I replied shortly

"Since when do you have friends?"

"Goodbye Miguel" I heard him chuckle on his way out and I tried adjusting myself in the mirror one last time.

I wore a black turtleneck with black jeans. I paired the ensemble with suede thigh highs and a beige overcoat.

I ran my fingers through my curled blonde locks and pulled them to the left side of my head.

I grabbed my necklaces and stacked them on my neck. One with my name on it and the other with my mother's pendant of Mary. She was a firm believer in Christ. A real Catholic. Quite ironic seeing as her mother was Jewish.

I slid on my rings and my Cartier bracelet before grabbing my YSL handbag and headed out the door.

'Good morning Angel, I'm on my way now I should be there around 9:30 10:15 at the latest. I'll see you soon🤍'

I sent with a smile on my face.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I do apologize it was a long one''


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