| A Memoir of You |

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Book: A Memoir of You

Author: LittleMissWisteria

• Book cover (10/10)

I absolutely love the cover. The font matches well with the Poetry vibes. It seems so aesthetic.

• Book title (10/10)

I know this will sound very weird, but I feel that the words ending in 'oir' are kinda deep. This also makes it more interesting.

• Blurb (9/10)

Well again, the blurb is so aesthetic. I like that you used different fonts. Also, varying the writing from bold to italic. The first two poetic lines gives me a positive feeling that I'm going to read rhyming poetry (my favourite type tbh).

• Grammar (13/15)

• Punctuation (12/15)

There are some commas and full stops missing here and there.

• Progress (8/10)

I like your progress!

• Enjoyment (9/10)

• Interaction with readers (20/20)

I haven't spotted a comment without a reply tbh.

• Total (91/100)

You've a great book ahead of you. I only realised that some of the poems are very short compared to the rest. I like your use of media, and also how you point out your inspirations in the A/Ns. Also writing the dates of the poems makes it seem more personal and engaging. Keep it up! Good job done here.

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