1: The Bad guy

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Bora Pov

I usually try to stay positive but right now I can't. There's nothing I hate more than riding city buses. Being around people in public is bad enough, but being crowded in a narrow walkway between a mother and her crying baby who won't shut up, and a perverted middle aged man who can keep his hands to himself is unbearable.

I push the mans hand away from my thigh for what feels like the thousandth time during this 10 minute bus ride. His hands are scaly and rough, he smells like a mixture of whiskey, cigarettes, and spoiled milk. His name is something around the lines of Will or Carlos, I wasn't really paying attention. Based on the phone calls he keeps receiving I'm guessing he's married. His poor wife, she's probably so worried. Or looking for a reason to get a divorce. God, I hate men.

I thought moving to a different country would mean I could experience new things and new people. But no matter where I go all men are the same. Some just hide it better than others.

After what feels like hours on that dreadful bus I finally get off. Before coming here I found someone who needed a roommate. I would have preferred to get my own place but I can't afford one and my mom refuses to help. My mom is the only family I have, yet the least reliable person I know. I do love her but honestly I was so glad to move far away from her.

My roommates name is Lee Siyeon. She's an aspiring singer, the student council president in high school, and leader of damn near every club. Donates to small charities. She got full rides to dozens of colleges yet still chose to go to the most expensive one she didn't get in to. Only to drop out 5 months later.

How do I know this you ask?

I got one of my 'friends' from high school to help me do a background check on her. I'm not stupid enough to just move in with anyone. From the outside she looks like the epitome of a trust fund baby. You know the "do no evil" type of girls. Anybody would look at her and tell she's got it made. Two parents, a nice big house, never had to work a day in her life. But maybe theres more to it than that.

To be completely honest, I didn't just choose to be her roommate because she seems less likely to kill me than the other candidates. I took up her offer because she intrigued me. I know, based on the way I described her what could possibly be interesting about her? Well the answer to that is simple. Everybody has complicated story. Nobody is ever truly a good person. We all make decisions that ultimately help ourselves out in the long run. We're all selfish

She may seem perfect to everyone else but there's always two sides to every story.

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