3:The Meeting

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Bora Pov

I get off the bus and look around for a bench to sit on. The apartment building is still some ways off so I have to call a lift to get there. As I wait for the lift I take in my surroundings. I'm sitting in what seems like a small park. Not the one that you take your kids to but the one where you just go to get some fresh air.

I open my phone up and go to the picture of my roommate. There's just something about her. She had long black hair with blue streaks. Not the emo kind from the early 2000s but more fashionable. She wore really fashionable pants. I might just have to "borrow" some one day. But those eyes. I've never seen anything more intense. They're the type of eyes to pull you in and never let you go. Now that I think about it, she kind of resembles a wolf. Not the scary kind they show on tv. More soft, warm, welcoming. The girl I found her from, her name was something along the lines of Gretel or Ganon I can't really remember. I'm really bad at names and faces.

After sitting there for a while I start to get this weird feeling. Almost like a premonition. I look to my left and see a dark silhouette walking towards me. As it gets closer I can sort of make out the features. More like the outlines of their body. Before I know it they're right in front of me. It's a man, not too much older than me. He grabs me roughly by my wrist and pulls me off the bench towards him.

Now that we're close I can see him more clearly. He has an amazing build, an almost god like body. He's also really tall-but then again it may be because I'm just really short. Shoulder length wavy hair. He's very handsome. I mean really handsome. If I didn't hate men I'd climb him like a tree. Or maybe if he wasn't trying to kidnap me.

I know what you're thinking. What sane person would be thinking of climbing someone while they're being forced through a dark park. Well, I don't have an answer for that one. Suddenly I get my sense back and snap back to reality. I'm being kidnapped! I should do something about it. Right?

So I do everything I can. I stomp, scream, slap, bite, and kick. I can tell he's starting to loose his patience. He raps his big hands around by neck and slams against the brick wall. Since when was this wall here? I try to wriggle out of his grip but cant move. He's too strong. Then out of sheer dumb luck, it's like my guardian angel was sent from above. He falls down to the ground unconscious.

Behind him stands a girl with a metal bar in hand. She's tall, a couple inches taller than me. She has long silver-blonde hair. She's wearing what looks like a...volleyball uniform? It's late as she was out practicing. After a brief silence I decide to break it.

"Uh thanks for that, I uh appreciate it." I say awkwardly, not really sure how to spark conversation.

"Yeah, no problem I guess. I was nearby and heard screaming so I came to see what was going on. Then I saw you two. I guess my instincts kicked in and I picked up the nearest thing near me that could do damage" she explains. I guess that makes sense but I just find it weird how she coincidentally just found a metal bar sitting randomly in a very nice put together park. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Another silence settles between us. It's awkward, making the air thick. After a while the girl decides to break it. "I'm Yoohyeon by the way. I'm sure you can already tell but I play volleyball." She says gesturing to her attire.

"Nice to meet you Yoohyeon, I'm Bora. I called a lift to my roommates house about 40 minutes ago. I don't know what happened." I say scratching the back of my head. "Wait! How could I not figure it out! You're the new roommate Siyeon was talking about." She exclaims like she just solved the world's greatest mystery.

"I can give you a ride to where you need to go. I know your roommate. We go to the same university and I live in the same apartments as you guys." She offers me. At first I considered rejecting but I'm freezing my ass off. Plus I'd rather not be out there by myself in case someone tries to kidnap me again.

"Yeah ,sure if you don't mind." With that she leads me to her cat and we drive. The ride is silent. I take this time to get a good look at her. She looks pretty average but somehow would stand out from everyone else. She has this clumsy carefree aura about her. One of those people who you could talk to about anything.


After about an hour of driving we pull up at some very expensive looking apartments. I don't even think they can be called apartments. They're more like very high class hotels. Yoohyeon hops out the car and opens her phone to call someone.

"I'm outside. I ran into your new roommate and gave her a ride here." She said into the phone. I suspect she's on the phone with Siyeon. I noticed that her mood changed slightly but I shook it off.

We walk inside the lobby which happens to be so huge you can fit three regular size apartments in it. We get on an elevator and ride up to the 3rd floor. We get off and walk down a long hallway until we reach a door with an 'A' and stop. Yoohyeon reaches out to knock on the door but before she can it suddenly opens.

It happens in slow motion it seems like. A girl with blue highlights and a wolf like face slowly emerges from the door. She stares at me for a little while looking me up and down.

"Bora, you're here!"

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