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" 'Curiosity is always dangerous,' Mama says. She says it gets people into trouble." I explained to Rab.
His lips turned into a smirk. "I believe she's right," He uttered. "You do get in trouble a lot." He patted my back as he walked past me.
"I do not!" I pouted, frowning.
"You're only seven, young one, of course you're curious. You don't know much." He kissed her forehead gently.
"I'm not that young!" I retorted, attempting to shove him off. I brushed my dress down, glancing around his large living room.
"Whatever you'd like to say." He teased.
I smiled gently as I sat in the wooden rocking chair. My small teddy bear sat in my lap. I moved the arms around, playing with the small fluffy animal. I giggled as I messed around.
"Did you do your homework?" Rab inquired as he returned with a cup of water for me.
"Yes, sir." I said politely.
"You're quite the young lady." He laughed.
"What do you mean, Rab?" I slumped my shoulders.
"I mean you're polite."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Very good. It's polite to say 'yes, sir' or 'ma'am.' "
I smiled with glee.
"You do well at manners and etc." His lips flattened into a line. "We better get you home." He stood. Grabbing the water from my hands, he set it on the table.
"But why?" I frowned.
"Your mother will be expecting you. I wish to not disappoint."
I nodded, grabbing his hand as we left the living room. He directed us to the front door. He let me out first, then himself. I skipped alongside him. He laughed at my energetic mood.
"I hope you enjoyed yourself." He glanced down at me.
"I did. Thank you for having me." I smiled, pausing to hug him.
"It was most certainly my pleasure."
"Rab," I quietly said.
"What is it?"
"Why doesn't daddy look after me?" I looked up at him, staring at his face. It was straight, no emotion but sadness.
"I don't believe it's my place to tell you that."
"But why not?"
He kneeled down to my height, grabbing my shoulders as his deep green eyes looked into my eyes. "Your mother should be the one to tell you that, not me." He gave a sympathetic smile as he released me.
"I'm sorry." I frowned, grabbing his hand again as he stood up.
"For what?" His brow rose.
"Asking." I rubbed my eyes gently.
"It's no problem, kiddo. I'll still take care of you when I need to." He smiled, taking my hand and squeezing it.

I began to skip as we walked along. We walked up the long circular pathway that led to Mama's house. Rab knocked the door roughly. I stepped behind him slightly, brushing my hair behind my ear.
"May I help you?" A tall, elderly man questioned once the door had opened.
"Yes, I'd like to see Lady Willington." Rab bowed respectfully.
"Please, wait inside." The man returned the gesture, extending his arm, ushering us in.
Rab led me inside, hand in hand. He lifted me up into a chair. He leaned against the wall, lip caught between his teeth as he thought.
"She's ready to see you now." He motioned us to the corridor where a woman stood.
"Mama!" I shouted, running into her warm embrace.
"Hello, my darling!" She laughed, holding me tight. "I missed you." She kissed my forehead softly.
"I missed you too, Mama." I smiled, letting go of her.
"Did she behave well with you?" Mama looked up to Rab.
"It went rather well. You sure have an energetic one." He laughed as he ruffled his hair.
"I figured that out the day she was born." She laid back in her chair.
"Is that so?" He chuckled.
"Go and change, Georgia." Her mother demanded.
"Yes, ma'am." I scurried off to my room.
"Thank you for taking such good care of her. I know she can be a handful." She sighed, pressing her fingers against her temple.
"It was my pleasure," He bowed his courtesy, showing his respects."It was rather enjoyable."

She nodded. Her face scrunched as she grimaced, leaning forward. Rab quickly stammered forward, placing his hand on her shoulder to lean her back.
"Are you alright M'lady?" He kneeled down.
"Just a migraine." She explained removing her hand. "I'm quite alright."
Rab walked off, soon returning with a butler who carried tea. He set the tray down serving the two their beverages.
"Hold the sugar." She huffed, placing her hand up to reject.
"Yes'm." He nodded, walking off once finished.
Rab buttoned his jacket in the middle before he sat down in the chair in front of Lady Willington. He glanced over her carefully. He glanced at her slouched posture and her tired face. A frown tugged at his lips.
"You certainly don't look alright, if I might say." He leaned back, crossing his legs.
She scowled. "I said I'm fine." Her head lifted in protest.
"Mama, look at Teddy! Rab fixed him for me." I hollered as I scurried down the stairs, running up to mama.
"How delightful." She smiled, placing her hand on my cheek.
Mama stood, straightening her dress slowly, Rabs intense gaze landed on her. He immediately stood after her, his gaze never leaving her eyes.
"Maxton will show you the way out." Her head turned to the right, refusing to meet his eyes.
"Of course." He tore his eyes away as he turned on his heels, walking off.
"Rab!" I yelled running after him.
"What is it, Georgie?" He turned, stumbling back by my fierce hug to his waist.
"Bye." I smiled.
"Goodbye, little one." He smiled softly, patting my head. He turned himself back around walking out of the corridor.
"Mama, why'd he have to leave so soon?" I frowned, sitting on my knees as I played on the floor.
"He has things to do." She said simply, fixing her hair by patting it with her hand gently. She turned away, stalking up the stairs.
My head lifted as I heard a loud thud. I stood, turning the corner. My eyes widened in surprise to find Mama on the floor, completely still. "Mama!" I shouted, running to her side, I kneeled down, placing my hands on her stomach.
"Mama, answer me!" I cried, hot tears spilling from my eyes. "Please, Mama..." I frowned, placing my head on her shoulder, drenching the lacy collar in tears.

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