New Partner?

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I walked through the halls of the Reaper Dispatch Society recieving glares as I go. I was heading over to my boss Mr.Spears's office since he called me in for an important meeting. I hope he isn't going to turn his back on me because I'm half demon since I have been working here for a while and I'm one of the best Shinigamis around.

I made it to the office without being tormented by my 'co-workers'. I opened the door to see Mr.Spears trying to wrestle a red blob off himself then his yellow green eyes met my abnormal (e/c) ones.

"Miss (l/n) a pleasure you arrived just in time."
"A pleasure to see you Mr.Spears." Then the red blob spoke or more so whined.
"Will who is she and why am I here!"
"This is (y/n) (l/n) your new partner, Miss (l/n) meet Grell Sutcliff." My eyes widened out of disbelief  it looked like they could fall out of their sockets.
" What! But Will why do I need a partner!"He took the words right out of my mouth minus the Will part.
" Because you have been slacking off due to your obsession with that demon." William spat the word demon out with venom laced in his voice,it might have just been one word but it crushed my feelings and it hurt to think even my boss felt that way about me. William must have noticed my discomfort since the floor seemed to become more interesting for me.
" Next time you go out Sutcliff bring (l/n) with you. Understand?"
 "Got it." Grell then flipped his hair dramatically and stomped out while I hurried after him.When I caught up I greeted him and prayed to the heavens he would be nice.
" I know this is abrupt Mr.Sutcliff but I hope our partnership would be most enjoyable for the both of us." I stated as I bowed my head deeply.
"No need for formalities (y/n) it's just Grell. I've been meaning to ask you why are your eyes different from usual Shinigami eyes?Oh and of course what do you feel about the color red?" He asked the second question in a very eager voice but what shocked me most is that he didn't know why and that he isn't tormenting me about it.
" I kinda don't want to talk about the first question and the answer to question number 2 is that I'm indifferent about all colors since there just colors." I didn't want to ruin our almost good friendship by telling him I'm half demon but what I didn't know the second question might've made him hate me and I emphasize might've.
"What!" Grell screamed"How can you say that about such a beautiful,fiery,passionate color red,hmm I swear until the day I die I shall change your views on thinking red is just a color." Overreacting much? I sighed out of annoyance for his flamboyant self but that was soon replaced by a smile because Grell is actually very nice and easy to talk to. Isn't there a saying of speaking to soon well if there is I've done it.
"But it's only obvious you would understand such a flamboyant color like red coming from your outfit." This made me twitch out of irritation. He was referring to my plain white button up shirt and black pants and shoes. What did he expect me to be wearing? A big poofy dress when I work out on the field.
" Okay Grell I have one question since you already asked me two you owe me this one."
" What is your relationship with William and this demon he was talking about?" 
"Oh William and me are in love he may act cold towards me but that's only to mask his flaming desire for me and Bassy he is my abusive lover but his cold blows are masked with the undying passion we have for each other." 
"Really it all sounds completely one-sided to me." I accidentally let my thoughts slip out.
" Hey! How can you say such a thing!?" Grell states dramatically while flipping his hair.
"Oops! Did I say that out loud?" 
"Yes you did but what's important is that we have to find my Bassy!"
" But Grell what about work!?" I yelled as he literally drags me off my body flying in the wind as he runs at superhuman speed.
" That too!" Was his careless response.


I dont own Black Butler

Red and Blue (reader x Grell) (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now