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It has been 6 months since Hongjoong and Seonghwa met. Seonghwa became pretty well-known in the company, as he was the first secretary for Yoongi that worked for him for more than three days.

"Joong! How are you doing?" Seonghwa rushed to Hongjoong and back-hugged him.

"I'm not okay, my employees' work literally suck! Only Yeosang did a decent job. Yunho and Mingi did a nice job but all the others? Literal shit!" Hongjoong ranted as he held Seonghwa's hands.

"Aw, Joongie is mad, haha! Wanna come over to my place to relax a bit? You need it." Seonghwa suggested as he freed his right hand to ruffle Hongjoong's blue hair.

"Okay...I'm only agreeing because it's you." Hongjoong sighed.

"Good! Meet you at seven at my place." Seonghwa patted Hongjoong's head. Hongjoong felt the butterflies in his stomach flutter stronger. Perhaps he had a little crush on Seonghwa. But, he knew he couldn't be gay...he could face death penalty just for being gay. He couldn't be gay, could he?

Living in a homophobic country sucks. It's the 21st century for fuck's sake, why can't people be more accepting?

"Ugh..." Hongjoong sighed as he sat down on his chair. "I wanna leave this country, but I can't. Why did I get assigned to work here? But if I don't continue my job here I'll be jobless and I'll go homeless too..." Hongjoong whisper-yelled. "Just kill me already!" 

Little did he know that that meaningless wish that was said out of rage would be manifested.


"Hello?" Hongjoong asked as he knocked on Seonghwa's door.

"Coming~!!" Seonghwa cutely yelled as he opening the door.

"Hi!" Hongjoong greeted as he hugged Seonghwa.

"Hey Joong!" Seonghwa happily greeted as he hugged Hongjoong back.

"Let's go watch a movie in my room, eh?" Seonghwa suggested.

"Sure!" Hongjoong agreed as he ran to Seonghwa's room.

"Ah...he's so cute..." Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong as his stomach did a flip or two. "I just wanna keep him safe and have him as mine..." Seonghwa sighed. "It isn't possible but I'll give it a try, without dying that is." Seonghwa said to himself as he walked into his room.

"I've chosen the movie already! Come on!" Hongjoong patted the ground, signalling Seonghwa to sit there.

"Ok! Coming." Seonghwa rushed to sit beside Hongjoong.

They both slowly got closer to each other as they watched the movie, eventually cuddling together. All Hongjoong could hear were Seonghwa's rapid heartbeats.

'Does he like me too?' Hongjoong thought. There couldn't be any other reason for Seonghwa's heart to beat this quickly, they weren't watching a thriller movie nor a horror movie.

Hongjoong then laid his head on Seonghwa's thigh, enjoying the rest of the night in Seonghwa's presence.


"Aw, he's asleep." Seonghwa chuckled as he ruffled through Hongjoong's hair. The movie had ended, and Seonghwa needed to shower.

"Joongie, I'm gonna go shower. Mind if you lift your head up a bit so I can go?"

"Yes..I do mind. Please don't go, stay." Hongjoong lightly opened his eyes as he pleaded Seonghwa to stay.

"Ok." Seonghwa giggled, which made Hongjoong blush. "I'll stay here just for you." Seonghwa kissed Hongjoong's forehead. Hongjoong's whole face was flushed bright red. Seonghwa then lifted Hongjoong up and softly placed him on the bed. Seonghwa tucked Hongjoong in and went under the blanket too. Seonghwa then softly pulled Hongjoong closer to him and cuddled with him.

'Oh my gosh ok my gosh oh my fUCKING WHAT' was all Hongjoong could think of.

Hongjoong couldn't even breathe properly when Seonghwa placed his hand on Hongjoong'a waist. Hongjoong just stuffed his head in Seonghwa's chest as a response, but he was screaming and dying on the inside.

"Thanks for staying with me..." Hongjoong muttered as he fell asleep.

"Anytime." Seonghwa patted Hongjoong's back and kissed the top of his head.


how are you guys? i'm feeling pretty anxious and sad these days haha

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