5-𝐵𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑

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"Hwa~~~" Hongjoong called. "Wake up. You have work."

"Yeah I know. Just five more min-"

"No. You hibernate right after you wake up. You're never gonna wake up if you sleep now." Hongjoong cutely crossed his arms.

"Okay okay..." Seonghwa slowly got up and opened his eyes at sloth speed.

"Oh c'mon, you don't wanna be late do you? Yoongi is gonna fucking kill you!"

"Oh shit! Forgot about him!" Seonghwa immediately ran to the bathroom, tripping in the process.

"Ah...he's so cute." Hongjoong smiled as he watch Seonghwa get up.

"Thanks for the compliment!" Seonghwa winked. Hongjoong's face just flushed red in response.

"Two years and still not used to my flirting." Seonghwa laughed. "You're so cute."

"I-Thank you?" Hongjoong awkwardly smiled.

Seonghwa just laughed as he splashed water on his face.


"Bring me document 3a, print out this one, answer Mr. Hwang's call and buy me a hot chocolate." Yoongi demanded. Seonghwa was getting really tired of Yoongi. He just wanted another job than a secretary, but he didn't know what other job would suit him.

"Okay..." Seonghwa tiredly blurted out. He just went out of the room with a throbbing head, feeling like he's about to faint.

His vision started getting really blurry, then he finally passed out.


"Hwa..hwa!" Hongjoong exclaimed as he yelled Seonghwa's name. Apparently Hongjoong passed by and saw Seonghwa collapsed on the floor.

"Seonghwa! Wake up!" Hongjoong cried out. His boyfriend's eyes were rolled backwards, making him look creepy as hell.

"Huh?" Seonghwa let out a little noise as he regained his consciousness once again.

"Seonghwa! You fainted, babe." Hongjoong frowned. Not knowing he accidentally let 'babe' slip out of his mouth. Seonghwa didn't know either. But someone else did. That same person who saw them holding hands in their car.

"Where, what, why-"

"You fainted in front of Yoongi's office door. Perhaps you're a little too exhausted. Get some rest...I'll help you tell Yoongi."

"Are you sure he'll even care? Last time I vomited and he still forced me to go back to work."

"Honey, you literally lost your consciousness this time. It's different to vomiting. I'll help you tell Yoongi that you need a day off work, alright?" Hongjoong cupped Seonghwa's face, making it puff up.

"Okay. If you say so." Seonghwa agreed and sighed.

"I'll call for sick too, I'll bring you home. Okay?" Hongjoong let go of Seonghwa's face as he stood up.


Little did they knew they were being filmed.


"Sir, Yoongi. Your secretary passed out in front of your door, can he take a day off work?"

Yoongi hesitated.

'Why the fuck is he hesitating-' (Hongjoong thought)

"Okay. Bring him home." Yoongi said. Hongjoong sighed in relief.

"Okay, thanks for your time."

Yoongi just nodded and continued typing something on his computer.

In Another Life | Seongjoong ✔️Where stories live. Discover now