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Life has been great for both Seonghwa and Hongjoong since they started dating. They became inseparable. They trusted and depended on each other, but also kept their relationship as secretive as possible. They really didn't want to die, and they couldn't migrate to other countries either due to the lack of money.

"Babe, I really want to go out on a date!" Hongjoong pouted.

"We can, but we have to make it look unromantic..." Seonghwa sighed.

"Yeah, which is impossible." Hongjoong cuddled with Seonghwa, feeling down. "It's gonna look unnatural and all hell would break loose."

"You're not wrong." Seonghwa kissed the top of Hongjoong's head and sighed. "I wish homophobia wasn't a thing. Our lives would've been easier. Sexuality isn't a choice. Why can't they understand this? And in what way does my sexuality concern them? It's literally none of their business wether I'm gay or bisexual or whatever." Seonghwa ranted. "Love is love, regardless of gender! Why do I even bother living in this unfair world, as if life wasn't hard enough." Seonghwa almost cried, recalling bitter memories of his parents beating him for being homosexual and threatening to turn him in to the police.

"Baby, your voice is terribly shaky...cry it all out. Don't hold it in." Hongjoong sat up and softly brought Seonghwa's head to his chest. Seonghwa started sobbing uncontrollably and eventually cried.

"I really don't know what I would be doing without you..." Seonghwa said in between his sobs. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Hwa. A lot." Hongjoong attached his lips to Seonghwa's, both males sharing a soft kiss filled with love and only love.


"Joongie...wake up." Seonghwa asked with his morning hoarse deep sexy voice.

"MmHhM" Hongjoong lazily made some noises. Seonghwa just sighed and slapped Hongjoong's ass.

"We have work...do you wanna go bankrupt?" Seonghwa asked.

"No!" Hongjoong shot up from his bed.

"Awww, your bed head is so cute~~" Seonghwa cooed.

"S-shut up I look like shit right now."

"That's the last thing you would look like, what the fuck. Okay go wash up now!"

"Okay, mom." Hongjoong playfully rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom with Seonghwa.

"S-sweet home alabama..?" Seonghwa questioned.


"Work's done! Yoongi please shove a melon up your ass thank you very much." Seonghwa whispered to Hongjoong. Hongjoong let out the cutest chuckle and swung his arm around Seonghwa's shoulder, trying to look as 'homie' as possible. Hongjoong originally wanted to squish Seonghwa's cheeks, but figured the gesture was a little too gay for the public.

"Come on, get in the car." Seonghwa opened the passenger seat door for Hongjoong. Hongjoong obeyed and got in the car. Seonghwa got on the driver's seat and drove off to their apartment.

They held hands when Seonghwa was driving, not knowing that someone saw it happen.


"Yunho...Hongjoong has been awfully happy these 2 years. What the fuck even happened?"

"Bro, you think I know? I'm questioning this too!" Yunho crossed his arms.

"He must be dating someone, and I'm kinda suspicious of him dating that, what, Sonha?"

"It's Seonghwa, dimwit."

"Right. I'm bad with names-"

"Yeah of course you are! You took three fucking years to pronounce my name correctly! I've never met a person that takes this long to memorise a name. Like you've been calling me names like Uno, Yanhu, You Know, Yon-"

"Any fucking ways-"

"I'm not done!"

"You're gonna take 3 years reading out all the names I called you. Let's get back to talking about sus Hongjoong. There's a reason why I think Seonghwa is Hongjoong's boyfriend...Hongjoong looks grossly happy whenever he's around Seonghwa."

"That's true. Gosh, I feel like I'm in middle school again, gossiping about other people's love lives." Yunho laughed.

"He just looks so gay when he's around Seonghwa, same goes to Seonghwa. Gay couples are cute, but they're aware that it's illegal here...right?" Yeosang asked, concerned for his boss's and his boyfriend's lives.

"I just hope they can get more money to move to another country and live happily together, I'm really worried." Yunho looked at the ground. "Not to mention I like Mingi..." Yunho whispered and looked down.

"Don't worry, I like Jongho, my dad's friend's son's cousin. I don't want to die just yet, and I don't even know his sexuality so, I'm just gonna try to get over him." Yeosang sighed.

"Just get to know him better, become his friend. You'll eventually know if he's gay or not."

"True, thanks. Uno."

"Fuck you!"

[just a little cut of 2Y's friendship and some tea lol]


"Seonghwa I can't sleep, I'm overthinking and overanalysing everything again. I don't want this!" Hongjoong cried.

"Shh baby, it's okay. Let me sing a song to calm you down, okay?"


•a few minutes later•

"We can touch utopia! We can teach there utopia!"

"Babe," Hongjoong said in between breaths of laughter, "you're so loud! Maybe choose a calmer song, haha."


"When I'm with you, I'm in utopia..."Seonghwa sang as he fell asleep. He really did mean it though. When Seonghwa was with Hongjoong...it was like Seonghwa living his dream life, in his utopia.


Hongjoong still couldn't fall asleep, so he decided to listen to some songs.

Some lyrics in the songs that loaded represented his future, though.

"Perfect paradise, tearing at the seams..."



writing is like a temporary escape from reality for me
i don't like reality

how are you guys?

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