Chapter One: The Unexpected Encounter

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* *│Time

{ }│Memory or Flashback

" "│Talking

' ' │Thinking

( )│Author Talking

[ ]│Information About Person or Their Quirks


Chapter One: The Unexpected Encounter

This was right before Izuku's fight at the sports festival.

Izuku's Pov:

'Boy I'm so nervous about this Shinso guy, what do I do when it comes to a person that has a brainwashing quirk. Ojiro said that when collided with something I unbreak his spell, or I just don't talk to him, yeah I'll do that'

As I was walking to the stadium I realized 'Crap, I can't rely on breaking his brainwashing spell because how would I collide with something so hard that it breaks this dude spell, well I guess I just won't talk to him.'

3rd Person Pov:

Present Mic Started talking in the microphone "Alright you crazy sports fan, Let's get ready for our first match. IZUKU MIDORIYA, boy does he look scared in that picture. AGAINST HITOSHI SHINSO, who has not done anything to stand out".

As Izuku was on the battlefield calming down taking in deep breaths when "so you can just give up huh" Shinso continued talking "that monkey was going on about his pride earlier, if you know what you want your future to hold you can't worry about what other people think". Then Present Mic said, "BEGIN".

Izuku was furious and started to yell at Shinso "don't you talk about Ojiro that way you hear me-" he instantly stopped talking the second he started.

Ojiro Pov:

"Arggg, I told him not to say anything to him or he will fall under that Shinso dude's spell, and there is no way that there will be an outside force to help him".

Izuku Pov:

'Wait why is everything so foggy' I was wondering why it was so foggy in my head when I heard him say "that's it, I win". "The fight has just started and...Izuku Midoriya is completely frozen". I tried to move, but to no avail 'Dammit why did I not listen to Ojiro'.

"Now, be a good little hero and walk out of bounds for me". Then my body started to move on its own, I could not control it 'I feel like my mind is full of fog, so many people are counting on my dammit I fell for it even after Ojiro warned me about his power'.

Just then, I saw eight or nine ghost people and then I felt my finger get free and charged up one for all and got me out of his spell. I bent down breathing heavily.

"What's this, Midoriya stopped just in time". Then Shinso saw me and said "you must be so blessed to have a heroic quirk" 'I get it, even though he's right, I have been blessed THAT'S WHY I AM HER-'

Right before I could push him out of bounds, I saw something falling in the sky super fast, and it was heading right towards me so I backed away and went to look at what it was. It was a kid that was twelve or thirteen years old. He looked super beat up. And he was super tall.

"Hey kid you alright-" but I was interrupted by Present Mic "What's this folks, we seem to have some interference, give us one second".

Then the kid said and a sore voice "get out of the way, you'll die" then something punched the kid and he went flying across the stadium. The man that punched him was wearing a dark mask.

I looked at Allmight but he looked to be in shock staring at the man in fear 'He must know this man from before' then I looked back at the boy and the man was levitating towards the kid, then he put his hand on his forehead and his hand started to glow red, but then the kid teleported to right next to me and said "this guy is after my quirk, or um "quirks" he has the power to steal quirks, he attacked me and I used self-defense, but while I was flying away from him he punched me into the stadium".

The man started to fly towards us but then the kid next to me held out his hand and swung it around him and the man went flying across the stadium.

3rd Person Pov:

Then the mysterious man who could steal quirks started to come towards the strange boy and then the boy moved slightly and then chopped the man on the neck while there was a blue glow on the boy's hands.

The man was unconscious, and the boy picked him up and he flew over to Allmight and said "hurry and put him under custody my unconscious spell only lasts for 15 minutes".

Allmight then asked "are you alright, all for one did a number on you kid" the kid shook his head to Allmight up and down and said "What I'm fine don't need to worry about m-" the second he started to talk, he passed out due to blood loss.

*30 Minutes Later*

The strange boy woke up in the infirmary and was met by two heads, Izuku Midoriyas and Recovery Girls. "Ah you finally awakened young man, you were injured heavily," said Recovery Girl. "Who are you and what is your name," asked Izuku, worried for the boy.

The Strange boy said, "Hello, my name is Tenko Midoriya, and I've come from America to find my brother Izuku Midoriya''. "Wait, you're, my brother? But how". "Well you see we have the same douche father who happened to marry my mother, but when I accidentally found out he cheated on mom with another woman, and I found out he already had a son, so I came to find you".

"What is your quirk young man" asked Recovery Girl "I saw you had multiple".

"Oh those, those quirks are all part of my main quirk. My main quirk is called Space, when all of my fingers are connected I can control space, which means I can teleport, use telekinesis, and if I focus, I can get strength stronger than a black hole".

"What, that's so cool, What else can you do, I saw you do other things". "Oh, there are two other things I did not mention. One is Telepathy, by closing my eyes I can hear all the thoughts of people in a 25-meter radius". Izuku was puzzled about how that works but did not question it, "What's your other quirk"? "Oh that, it's just that I can move way faster and have more stamina than a normal human, but I can also help someone reach the full potential of their quirk by giving them some of my DNA. that is the reason I came so fast".

Izuku was in awe and said, "WHAT THAT'S SO COOL".

A/N: Hello guys if you're reading this then you read the first chapter, YAY. I will be posting throughout the week and don't worry if I don't post for a while, I'm also having trouble in school so I might not post that week if I'm behind. Well, thanks for reading, Remember:

Stay Cool, Stay Awesome, Stay Fresh.



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