Chapter Two: His Past

115 1 0

* *│Time

{ }│Memory or Flashback

" "│Talking

' ' │Thinking

( )│Author Talking

[ ]│Information About Person or Their Quirks


Chapter Two: His Past


'Izuku had brought his brother into recovery girls temporary office and his brother had just woken up. He had told them all about his miraculous abilities. Then this happened: "I can also help someone reach the full potential of their quirk by giving them some of my DNA". Find out what will happen to Izuku right now.'

Izuku's Pov:

'My brother had just told me about how he can help me reach the full potential of my quirk, just by taking some of his DNA. This scenario sounds super familiar.' Then, I went to ask Recovery Girl if I could borrow him for a moment, "Hey can I borrow my brother for a moment, i-if you don't mind".

She said it was ok to take him out in the hallway, but she said she needed to run a few more tests just to make sure he can walk. When she was done running the test I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room.

"Hey, so what did you want to talk about, wait a-are you mad at me for some reason". I was taken aback by this 'Wow, he really is my brother', "what no, why would I be mad at you. I just wanted to talk to you about the, you know-", he interrupted me, "oh yes the part of my quirk that can help you reach the full potential of your quirk, now if your up for it we can do it. But there is one thing". I wondered what that could be, "what is it". He then said, "it's just that it would take a while for you to reach the full potential, it takes up to two months before you reach that level".

'So it just takes a bit for my quirk to reach its full potential, that's fine', after having that realization I told him that it was ok and he nodded, "ok here, take this and give yourself a small cut on your palm". I did as he asked then he took the small knife and did the same thing I did, then he grabbed my hand and placed it on his hand. After ten seconds he said, "ok, get ready and brace for impact cause it hurts a lot, kind of like squeezing a lemon in your eyes, but on your hand instead".

'Dam, he was not lying when he said that, OW it hurts really bad now' but when I looked at my brother, he looked like he had a heart attack, "hey are you ok". He looked back at me and said, "oh me, I'm fine. It's a small drawback oh my quirk, when I use it a lot I go into 10 minutes of EXCRUCIATING PAIN OWW DAM THIS HURTS".

Once he said that I felt bad, but I understood that it's just a drawback, "ok Izuku it stopped, now in about 35 minutes, your quirk should be enhanced and you will feel different when using it, I cant wait to see what it looks like when enhanced. I will have to write it down in my notebook".

'Wait did he just say... NOTEBOOK' I could not believe my ears, "wait you have a notebook for quirks too, now I know for sure we are brothers. I did not know that that trait comes from my dad though". Tenko started to laugh, "you should see dad when he is watching heroes working, he is hilarious. Now you should go get ready for your rematch against that purple-haired dude".

I ran down to waiting room A and waited for the announcement that our match would start again.

Shinso Pov:

'Ok so he knows how my quirk works now, so what's my plan. Do I do the same thing, or do I just try to win off of muscle? That kid seems pretty weak, I'll do that instead'. Then I just had to wait for the announcement that our match would start. Then, "Alright you sports fans, now that the situation has now been cleared, we can get rocken again. Now Izuku Midoriya against Hitoshi Shinso.

Izuku's Pov:

After Mic called my name I walked on to the stadium and waited for him to say start then Shinso said, "hey, Midoriya was it, let us have a fistfight, no quirks sound cool" I nodded, "promise you won't cheat, if you do cheat, it won't be very hero-like".

'I said that just to make sure he would not cheat since I can tell he has been bullied because of his quirk, he has bruises on his legs that I did not do, it was pretty obvious'. Then Present Mic said, "START". I ran at him and dogged his first punch, then punched him in the knee. But while I did that, he managed to punch me in the back, but I turned around and punched him back. Then I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of bounce, but in order to do that, I had to take some punches to the gut.

"And just like that Izuku Midoriya makes it to the second round". I helped Shinso get up and when he got to his feet he asked, "why do you want to be a hero". I thought for a second and responded with, "I want to save the lives of people that can't fight for themselves".

He seemed pretty satisfied with that answer and said, "I want to be a hero too, I want to prove all of the people that called me a villain wrong. I will become a hero". That put a smile on my face, 'so his drive to be a hero is also different too, he is not here because of some hero fantasy, he is here because he wants to prove he can become a hero'.

I went back to my brother, but he looked mad at me, "what, oh is it because you wanted to see my quirk in action, sorry I promise to use it in the next match". He seemed satisfied by that and said, "so what are you going to do now," "oh me, I'm going to go sit with my class, want to join me". He thought for a second and said, "sure, why not".

Tenko Pov:

'Izuku does not know it yet but his quirk is one of the best quirks in the world. Turns out when I use the quirk boosting part of my quirk I can see what their quirk is, but I did not know that because this is the first time I'm using this power. When he reaches his full potential in the next two months, he will be better than any of his classmates'

Izuku's Pov:

When I got to my classes both, I opened the door and all eyes were on me. Then I saw two empty seats in the back and started walking there pulling on my brother's arm with my eyes not leaving the floor. My brother, on the other hand, was also quite nervous, I could tell because his palms were super sweaty and shaking, "Tenko, don't be so nervous, Jeese you are just like me, it's insane".

We sat down, then Iida asked "Midoriya who is this, you know we are not allowed to bring anyone in this both, it is against the rule-" then Kirishima interrupted him "Iida chill out, Midoriya is fine bring someone in here".

I said, "thanks Kirishima, anyway Iida this is my brother, Tenko Midoriya. We met unexpectedly during my first match, turns out that the other guy was trying to steal Tenko's quirk, weird huh".

Everyone went wide-eyed "WHAT".

A/N: Hello guys if you're reading this then you read the second chapter, YAY. anyway thanks for reading and this was super fun to write and sorry about the little break I took, It just looked like nobody wanted to read this but turns out I was wrong, anyway hope you enjoyed and Remember:

Stay Cool, Stay Awesome, Stay Fresh.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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