Chapter 2: Playing With Devils

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Chapter Two: “Playing With Devils”

“In this Cold World of Steel and Stone,
How Would You Pave Your Own Way?”
—A Lady’s Determination Can Move Mountains—



When Sakura woke next, she was sitting back in the dark lounge that she first saw when she first landed in this castle. She sat on velvet cushions that felt softer than her luxurious blankets at home. The black decor and the silver-edged tiles on the floor gave a feeling of power, seduction and dominance. A devil’s playground. After last night, she certainly wasn’t the pure Lady Sakura wishing on a star anymore.

All Sakura felt was…Excited. Pure, electrifying excitement. 

There’s no way I can go back to my old life. So what now? Who am I if I’m not a lady of nobility — A useless smiling political tool?

Just as Sakura was contemplating her future, a deep voice murmurred from behind, “Hello, Angel.”

The hairs on her neck rose and she tried to hide how her legs went to jelly just now. “Itachi,” she breathed out. Suddenly, their…evening…came running through her mind into crystal clear pictures that her body apparently couldn’t forget. Sakura’s face heated up intensely as she quickly scanned her body —

Okay. Today I’m wearing a sheer white dress. It barely covers anything at all — way less than the black one yesterday. Am I supposed to play the angel angle again tonight?

“Did you sleep well?” Sakrua smiled as she tried to pretend to be a more experienced lover than she was. Imposter syndrome is very debilitating. I was wet enough that I didn’t bleed so there goes myth 1 of woman anatomy. If the castle knew my thoughts, they’d call me a lying harlot…but would still ‘play’ with the king and prince. Hypocrites. “I don’t believe I told you my name yet. It’s Sakura. So you don’t have to call me angel — I’m obviously mortal. My apologies if I gave you the wrong impression.” She fidgeted with her dress. 

Actually…didn’t he call my name last night once? “But you already knew that. Why did you call me Sakura last night? I’ve never actually told it to you.” Maybe the men in these dreams were informed of her?

Itachi chuckled and slid his fingers in her hair, lifting one of the pink tresses and rubbing it between his fingers. “Sakura, the pink and beautiful cherry blossoms, is a famous flower of the eastern kingdoms. I thought of it when I first saw you and it suits you to share the name, angel.”

So he’s sticking with me being an angel. Well, we are in an enchanged castle and he probably teleported from that battlefield without warning…so I can’t blame him. “Thank you.” She couldn’t help the flush that wouldn’t leave her skin. This is the longest I’ve been with a man in her entire cooped up life! What do men and women even talk about after getting intimate? Make breakfast?!

No, no, no. Sakura! You’re still in the dream world. You only have until midnight so get your ass over there!

“I’m sorry, Itachi! I have a deadline and need to go now.”

“I can follow.”

“Um, I don’t think that’s wise. I…have to help other souls or they’ll be trapped in their madness.” Forget it! I’ll be an angel if he wanted. The man did not want to change his high expectations. “As an angel, I must help them.”

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