Chapter 6: Twelve Nights a Lady 6 -- Kisame final

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Chapter Six: “Betrayed By The Trusted, Become the Traitor”

“When Your Hands Are Black in Sin,
Stained by the Hypocrisy of Nations.”
—On Being a True Shinobi, Used by False Hearts—



Sakura once again opened her eyes to the dark lounge of the castle, but this time the place seemed to glow a bit brighter. The furniture and decor remained the same, but it was as if the tranquil atmosphere smothered the heavy tension of its residents. It was a feeling that was hard to explain.

Then poof — five men now sat on the couches in front and to the side of her. No matter how many times she’s woken up to the sight, it still surprised her. She didn’t understand why this happened, but the men from her dreams always popped up in a poof of smoke as if they were summoned by the spell to join her every morning. As the men were about to speak — 

[Welcome back, Sakura Haruno and Company]

The spell’s tranquil voice echoed throughout the castle just like the first day. After each notification, a bell sounded like a church’s toll: 

[Due to the soul’s current evolution, you have achieved the minimum requirements to open a new world of opportunity for your last wish. Whether you take the choice is up to you, but it shall not be revealed until the completion of the spell. Failure to complete all twelve dreams will automatically disregard this choice] Ding!

[Guardian’s Route officially open. As previously noted, only with completion of spell will details be available. If the souls of the dream wish to become a Guardian, they must complete two requirements: One — help the soul Sakura Haruno complete the twelve dreams and thus the spell. Two — After dream, complete a final quest.] Ding!

[Last update: The reward’s potential has risen, so the stakes shall rise. Following the Law of Equilibrium in Mage Codex. Trials of the dreams shall rise and only Sakura and one more may enter at a time. Any other soul attempting entry to the dream in question will not be able to enter.] Ding!

[Now for a reminder of the spell, here are the rules:]

[Wish Upon A Star spell activated. Fairy Godmother trials begin]

[You will dream a long dream, but it will hold the dream of twelve nights. When you return, not a second will pass by. 

In these dreams, you will find things inside of you that could surprise you…Pay attention to those. 

In these dreams, you can be as open to your desires as you wish. But be of open heart.

And, finally, in each dream, the spell ends at midnight. — And you will replenish anew for the next dream.

Your true love may be there or not, but regardless, by solving their entanglements of madness, you will help these poor souls. And discover a part of you sealed up until now. Heed thy warnings, pay attention and be open and you will find your way.]

[Good luck and May Your Dreams Come True]

Ding Dong Ding Dong ——— !!

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