Chapter Five: "Caged in Sand, Forgottes"

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Chapter Five: “Caged in Sand, Forgotten Tears”

Chapter Text

Chapter Five: “Caged in Sand, Forgotten Tears”
“They Called Me a Monster,
So I Became One.”
—Who Remembers the Unwanted?—

Sakura once more sat on the velvet chair and she immediately jumped off — only to be caught by a pair of arms. 

“Now where would you be running of to, Sakura?” Itachi gazed down at her gently with that soft smile, but his hands held her like steel. “It’s been a while since we had a chance to properly talk.”

“Y-Yes, right you are, Itachi.” Sakura laughed awkwardly. “What shall we —“ 

Itachi pressed his lips to hers and stuck his tongue in a hungry dance. His fingers ran through her long hair before he cradled the back of her neck and kissed her deeper. Just before Sasori could tear him apart, the warrior released her and licked his lips. “It’s great to see you again, Sakura dear.”

A heavy blush stained her cheeks as her lips still tingled from his touch. “H-Hello to you, too, Itachi.” Well, that wasn’t the reaction she expected. I wonder if the popular ladies of court dealt with this everyday? No wonder they dared to play around with the King and Princes. Who knew men outside court were more sensual.

Sakura obliviously felt everybody had more experience than her in this field and once they exited this dream world, these handsome men will go on with their lives. After all, she may be a noble lady, but she wasn’t Godmother Ella — now she was a real beauty with that blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes full of strength and kindness. And besides, this was only a dream world…While she was here, she wanted to believed she was truly loved even if for the moment. So she smiled up at Itachi, “I enjoyed your greeting.”

“Hn. Shall I greet you like this every morning?” He grinned devilishly.

Sakura only winked back, getting into a flirting mood she hadn’t really explored before. But then she sighed and said, “Actually, I have something to tell you.” She stood up from her seat and the four men surrounded her. She frowned, but let it slide as she did trick them the last couple of times…”I won’t run away, but you need to listen. So if you don’t mind, please have a seat. I’ll let you know what I know about this place. If you have any questions, you may ask me after, but I can’t guarantee I know the answers.”

Kakashi ran his hand through his hair and sat down first, propping his foot over his knee so he crossed his leg in a wide manner, and said, “About time, princess. Aren’t you snobs going to sit down? I want to listen to the woman.”

Sakura raised a brow. Of all the men here, Kakashi was the last person she expected to say that. He seemed so…rough. It was a nice surprise. “Thank you, Kakashi.”

And so, after everyone settled, Sakura explained the situation in hopes that no one blocked her path. She managed to escape the last couple times, but now there were four men to play around with and she didn’t have the energy to keep thinking up strategies. It was fun to mess around though…But time is of the essence! Hence, it was time to be direct. “…And that’s how I ended up here. So if we are to stay in this castle until the twelve nights are up, I have to continue to complete the missions. I do not know what happens after the dreams, but I’m sure my godmother will explain things to you. I honestly have no idea why you’re here after the dreams end, but here we are. If I fail to complete the dreams, I fear this may be the last we see of each other.”

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