Chapter 4: An Eternal Doll

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Chapter 4: An Eternal Doll

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Chapter Four: “An Eternal Doll”
“No Matter What They Created, Artists Need Guts,
And They Never Back Down.”
—On the Dedication to Create Art—

“Hello again.” Sakura sighed out. Sure enough, within the blink of an eye, three men sat on the couch in front of her. Just like that — Poof! “So, um, you should get to know each other.”
“Sakura.” Both Itachi and Kakashi growled out as they blocked her way. Deidara, not to be undone, also stood by the velvet chair where she sat. 
“You tricked us last time, but you aren’t leaving here until we get answers,” Kakashi said.
“Hey, Saku darling, what is this place? Is this where you descended from?” Deidara looked about with a curious smile. “I sense a lot of magical energy in this castle. Nice place, love.”
Sakura smiled awkwardly as she held her hands up in surrender. “Yes, yes. I’ll explain everything. Please sit down however. It is quite uncomfortable to talk with my chin up so high.”
All three men leered down at me when she realized that her outfit probably changed again. She looked down at her clothes and a heavy blush stained her cheeks. “Eek!” Sure she had been naked in front of all them and she wore lingerie around like it were normal pajamas, but today’s outfit was really….really special! “What am I wearing?!”
On Sakura’s body were only white bandages that wrapped around her body, but barely hid anything. Like a half-dressed mummy, the white bands held tight against her chest, emphasizing the plush roundness of her breasts and pushing up the full mounds so her cleavage looked deep. Then it only wrapped a few times around her stomach area loosely, showing large areas of skin, and finally wrapped tightly against her hips. The bandage rolled around her wide hips precariously as it just barely covered her center area before ending like a very short skirt. 
Sakura’s face burned with embarrassment as she felt their eyes crawl over her. If she moved even a bit, who knew what would fall? She was pretty sure the bandage didn’t completely cover her ass as she could feel the velvet cushions directly. Wrapping her arms around her chest, she squeaked out, “You can stop staring now!”
Itachi only smirked, “Is this another present to be unwrapped?”
Sakura glared at him, but it only served to make it tempting to pull those defiant arms away…The men gulped as their eyes darkened. She pouted, “I don’t choose the outfits, okay?!” Crap, if she stayed here, she’d be held down until midnight if the previous days proved nothing else. Sakura eyed the three men who could help her escape — Itachi was secretly a devilish type. Kakashi was a definite no being a rogue. And that left…
With wide eyes, Sakura batted her eyelashes a couple times and called out to Deidara with a mewl, “Deidara…Can you do me a favor?”
“A-Anything, love.” Deidara leaned over the edge of her chair with a wide grin while the other two frowned. 
She crooked her finger at him and when he leaned further, she wrapped her arms around him and whispered, “It is of grave importance that I make it upstairs, fourth room to the left. If you could take me there, I’ll owe you.”
Without hesitation, Deidara simply winked down at her mischievously and he quickly spat out two white clay balls from the mouths on his palms and said, “Life is a bang with you, love!” And threw it below him.
BANG!! Two smoke bombs exploded and the other men leaped back. When the smoke faded, Deidara had already ran halfway up the stairs with Sakura carried in his arms bridal style.
“SAKURAAAA!!!” Once again the two men roared as they gave chase.
Sakura laughed while Deidara stuck his tongue out, blonde ponytail flying behind him in an elegant tail and his dark suit emphasized his sparkling blue-gray eyes as they ran from the dangerous lovers like a pair of bandits into the night. And just like that, they jumped straight into the fourth room —
And vanished in dazzling white light.
The two landed in a dungeon. Unlike others, this one looked extremely clean and even a bit homey. There were a small dining table, a pair of chairs, a soft bed and a wall full of standing coffins and dangling handcuffs. And standing in the middle room was an extremely beautiful man…holding an eerily realistic puppet. 
She was shocked to see such a realistic puppet that it almost looked like a real person being carved into by such an enchanting yet spooky man. So Sakura did the first thing she could do…she jumped out of Deidara’s arms as she curtsied and said politely, “Hello, sorry to bother you. My name is Sakura and this is Deidara. Nice to meet you.” Inside her mind, she groaned at her lack of creativity. 
The man glared at them with gray eyes that were flecked with red that burned bright like his hair. “How did you get in here? It is impossible without permission from the lord. Did you kill the guards on the way in? You used teleportation so you might be a highly skilled witch, but bewarned, I am a much worst mage.” He stood up agressively and held out his hands as black magic swirled around him. As he did, puppets stepped out of their coffins and the one dropped on the ground also rose. 
And within one minute of stepping in this dream, Sakura found herself targeted by five life-sized puppets who looked eeriely like real people. A pair of grandparents, a middle age couple it seemed and a woman — the one who was on the floor and unfinished judging from the half-painted wood. 
“Wait! We’re not intruders! I just dropped here from a dream cast by my fairy godmother so please calm down!” On instinct, she could feel the pull of dark magic and unconsciously reacted by surrounding herself with the magic that came from within like a barrier. 
The mage paused in his spell and tilted his head curiously. “Your magic has the echo of the blessed fae on it. You mentioned a fairy godmother?”
“Yes. She sent me here.”
Deidara was prepping to throw more bombs, but as soon as Sakura called upon a magical barrier, he stopped what he was doing and simply listened to the interesting pair with a happy grin. Life was full of color ever since his masterpiece summoned the goddess. He didn’t care where she came from, he only cared that she stayed with him. 
“Well, since you politely introduced yourselves after invading my humble abode, I’ll tell you. I am Sasori. Now,” Sasori smiled gently but then a dozen barely visible clear strings came out of nowhere and tied Sakura up. Her arms were held above her while her legs were spread apart as she was held a few inches off the ground. 
Sasori than raised a brow at Deidara and mused, “You seem to be an artist as well. I saw the clay in your palms. Quite an unusual skill you have. I recall talk of a village where a mad artist who could create creations of explosive power secluded himself. How are you with this woman?”
“She came from my masterpiece like a bang. So if you harm her, I will have to use my creations against you.” He smirked, but the steel in his eyes were clear.
“I have no intention. If she is your masterpiece with a bang, then she is a muse to me. She is wrapped like the most beautiful doll waiting to be perfected.” Sasori trailed the back of his knuckles against the bindings on her chest. “Exquisite body.”
“You better not preserve her for eternal shit either, sand man. I’ve heard of the artist who sought eternal beauty in his creations, which, frankly, is an insult against life’s greatest creations.”
“Let’s agree to disagree. But I won’t do such a base thing to her. He leaned in to study her face while Sakura waited for him to tell her what was going on. “Her eyes are brighter than any I’ve ever seen. To see them fade away as a puppet would only take away her beauty…” He sighed softly before a black glow covered his index finger and he sliced through bindings.
Instantly, her breasts bursted out from the bindings and wobbled a bit at the sudden release. Sasori clasped the full mounds and rubbed his thumbs against her nipples as he watched her expressions. 
Sakura moaned and glared down at him. “Hey, I’ve been quiet while you babbled on. What are you trying to do?” She ignored the heat in her body and the impulse to see that stoic beautiful face warp into ecstasy. He was too beautiful to be a man and not in a feminine way like Deidara, but like a …a fae. “Are you related to the fae?”
“Oho, so you put two and two together. Such a smart woman.” He smiled and said, “Yes, I am half-fae, but my mother was cast out for going against her perfect parents’ wishes in falling for a human. And so she died with heartbreak due to the cursed fae parents of hers. If my father wasn’t human then they could have been together and lived forever. Only in that forever could the beauty of their love be witheld. Showing that beauty is the purpose of my art…but the man who pays my bills says otherwise.” 
Deidara snorted, “I disagree, but I can see your reasoning. I can respect that.”
Sasori glanced at him, “Not that I need your respect, but likewise to your art, short-sighted as it is.”
“Can’t you take a compliment?!” Deidara growled then went up to Sakura and played with the strings, watching as one trailed against her thigh emphasizing it’s temptuous plumpness. “Does it hurt, my love?” he whispered.
Sakura looked away with a blush, “No. Surprisingly it doesn’t.”
“How curious.” Sasori’s gray eyes trailed down her body. “Why don’t you use your magic to release yourself?”
“If I knew how to do that, I would! I’m not here for fun!”
“You looked like you were having a bit of fun.” Deidara whistled.
“Shut up, Deidara!” She glared up at the blonde artist who seemed to be laughing at her being tied up by puppet strings.
Deidara gave her a lop-sided smile while he enjoyed her angry expression. Heh. The more he saw of her human side, the more he fell in love. She was much more alive, much more beautiful than his so-called perfect masterpiece. Sakura was proof that life’s true beauty was being his explosive ideas…and this puppet-man’s ideas of eternity. And he was going to prove it. 
So he grabbed Sasori’s shoulder and talked to him on the side, pointing at Sakura and saying things like “she’ll show you your art is shallow compared to life’s true beauty” and “she was a literal goddess who descended on my masterpiece so maybe that’s why we’re here” and just glossing over how he met her.
Sasori peeked at her curiously as his fellow artist told his story. “How interesting…” When he gave it some thought, he walked back toward the caught flower and said, “I have a proposal.”
Sakura glared suspiciously at the two crazy artists, “And what shall that be?” She tugged at her wrists. “As you can see, I’m caught up at the moment.”
The ethereal beauty chuckled, a light husky voice that sounded like they held the wind itself, “I can show you how to wield your magic properly. The normal way would take years of training, but there is a quicker way…” Then he narrowed his eyes like a cunning sand devil. “There is a faster way…but it requires joining our spirits for a time.” He grinned wickedly. “It is much more intimate than any physical sexual connection. Bewarned it can be called the greatest ecstasy of the mages, fae and beyond. Do you dare to try?
Sakura took a good look at the mysterious mage. For all his beauty - his gray eyes flecked with fire, that gorgeous stunning red hair and the perfect proportions of his face with a jawline to test her — he had been cold since they dropped in his dungeon-home-place. He was a doll without feelings, but now…he completely changed into a wicked devil with that hot gaze and knowing smile. She gulped, “This better show me how to wield my magic.”
“Of course. I never make promises I don’t keep.” And with that he held her head with both hands and said, “Relax, let me into your mind and we can begin…” His dark magic glowed from his hands and soon Sakura’s own magic reacted. Light sparkles and a small yellow flame floated in the center of her brows. 
Sakura’s eyes fluttered closed as she felt their magic embracing her and warming her skin. She could feel Sasori’s magic guide hers throughout her body and like her mind was a corridor whose doors all swung open, the power thrummed all over her. Like she was the wind and flame itself, she lost herself to the power and just sunk in its depths in pure ecstasy. “Ahhh!” she moaned.
Sasori also felt the addictive connection and sweat matted his forehead as he tried to control the forces within. He gritted his teeth as his eyes shone, “Your power is greater than I imagined, my dear.” 
Deidara watched the two of them jealously, but since he encouraged this, he could only step back…but he was also curious about this ecstasy they went on about. He looked at his hand and the mouth that was a magical ability in itself. Was there a way to join in…?
And on cue, as if the mage read his mind, Sasori called out to Deidara, “You! You have adequate energy channels for this — that ability is too powerful to use otherwise. Come help channel some of her power or we might ruin my home.” Sakura’s sparkling magic was overpowering the dark mage as it began to cocoon around him. “Hurry or I’ll have to resort to extreme measures! Just grab her shoulders and you’ll see!”
“R-Right!” Deidara ran over and did as he was told. Immediately, torrents of power surged into him and like a sea of pleasure that kissed every magic channel, he felt the ecstasy he only dreamt of. “Sh-Shit.” He grinned. “S-Sakura…”
And so the three of them became infused with each others’ magic…and soon accessed the source aka the spirit of their cores. And the peak of ecstasy took over them all. After a long while, Sasori, sweating, let go of Sakura’s head while she panted in her bindings and Deidara fell to his knees. For a moment, the only thing they could was take deep breaths. The energy was extreme and it was addicting and even now, the thrum of power didn’t completely fade. Sasori threw off his shirt Sakura eyed the perfect abdomen, the flawless skin and sculpted muscles…and she imagined all that dark power that was barely contained in that lean body. 
With heated eyes, Sakura took in the panting men and licked her lips. She still recalled that buzz of ecstasy. She could feel her magic was more responsive to her wishes and found that if she wanted, she could manipulate it to cut the strings, but a more enjoyable idea came to mind…“I don’t think I can completely use my magic yet…I think…I need more simulation.”
The men froze and slowly eyed her. Sasori gave her a knowing look while Deidara gulped.
“Your wish is my command, woman.” Like her, he didn’t completely recover from the extreme, sweet ecstasy and immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her. Wrapping his tongue on hers, his long delicate fingers roughly at the bindings around her hips, cutting with just a little magic focused on his fingertips, and rubbed his thumbs in circles on her bare skin. He listened to her moans and tugged her closer.
Deidara came from behind her and licked the back of her neck slowly, dragging that long tongue up from her base to her ear and both his large palms squeezed her ass and fondled. “Mm, Sakuraaa…” he breathed out sexily. 
Sakura fell into their hands like putty as the puppet strings held her hands above her head and lept her legs spread apart in the air. She let herself stay tied up, excited to see what they would do next. No matter how long she hung, the strings never gave her pain and she had a feeling it was due to Sasori’s influence. She licked her lips slowly when Sasori released her as her hunger only grew. 
Sasori stepped back to appreciate the beauty in his arms and ordered Deidara, “Make sure she is wet with those palms of yours.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice — and I’m doing it for her not you.” He let the tongues of his hands enter Sakura’s fold as they played with clit and licked deep inside her. One palm in front, one palm came from underneath. And while he held this position, the blonde artist nibbled on her neck, kissing and sucking as he took in her sweet scent. “Nnn…”
Sasori cut the strings holding her legs apart and carried them with his own hands as he guided them around his waist. In an unspoken agreement, Deidara moved his hands away and licked a bit of the juice off his palm. Then he held up Sakura’s mounds, pinching her nipples and squeezing — he only paused to grab her chin and kissed her from behind.
Sasori focused and with a flick of his fingers, more strings wrapped around Sakura’s legs and held them up so her knees bent as her legs were spread apart. Satsified, he entered two fingers in her hole, thrusting in and out to test her slickness. He entered a third finger and studied her expressions. With a sadistic grin, he stopped and watched her brows scrunch together cutely. “Do you want something bigger?”
“Yes, Sasori, yes. Please…” She begged. The high from before made her lose her reason as she begged the sensual man to enter her already.
“Then ask for my big cock, Sakura, and tell me what you want from me.” 
Sakura blushed heavily, but stuttered out, “P-Please give your big c-cock…I need you. I want you to pound in me and ride me hard. Please…Sasori!” She moaned when Deidara bit her ear and felt his member already sliding against her buttcheeks and the tip hit her lower back.
Sasori chuckled and placed his tip at her entrance before glaring at the cheeky blonde, “I’m first.” Then he entered her, watching as she gasped and moaned as he slid in slowly, his thickness spreading her lower lips apart in a tight kiss. 
“Ahhh!” Sakura screamed when the full length stuffed her and began to move — his thrusts slid in and out steadily before they picked up. Faster. Faster. “Ah, ah, ah!”
Meanwhile, Deidara circled a thumb around her asshole and his finger entered that chrysanthemum. “That-a-girl…” he breathed out. “Take me in.” The finger thrust in and out and when the flower loosened a bit, he took it out and replaced it with his palm, letting the mouth there take over. 
Soon Sakura felt a wet slick tongue enter her asshole while Sasori’s dick pounded into her. Coupled with the remnants of the magical ecstasy, she could toss her head back and scream in pleasure, “Ahhhhh!” Her voice echoing in the dungeon.
Deidara played with her until he was sure she was wet enough. Then he placed his tip against her backside and whispered in her ear, “I’m going to heighten your ecstasy, love. Take us both in and we’ll satisfy you — we’ll ride you hard.” Their little magic infusion left them in an aphrodisiac state, which meant this would be the perfect time to experiment. Licking his lips seductively, he entered her ass. 
Sakura could only ride them as both men plunged inside her. Her breasts bounced at their perfectly timed rhythym. Sasori nuzzled his face between those peaches as he thrust into her like a man starved. For many long nights, the only thing to keep him company were his puppets and the memories of his lost parents. The lord of the castle that held him only used him for weaponizing his creations…it was all he knew to do. Nothing brought him purpose besides creating that which was banned anywhere else in the kingdom. Nobody would accept an orphan who used dark magic. And so he lived much of his days alone — an empty puppet of a man abandoned by all. 
But then this delectable fairy fell into his arms and suddenly, the empty puppet found a spark of life and he wanted to suck it all in. He bit her breast before nuzzling his nose into her long hair, whispering softly, “I feel alive with you.” He wanted her. All of her. He couldn’t imagine another night in this dungeon without her. Whether this was because of their magical infusion or because he really grew insane to fall for a stranger, he was already addicted her. And he regretted nothing.
He didn’t care how many men became obsessed with her, in his heart she was already his. And so he captured her lips once more and made sure to lick every nook and cranny, to leave her with his taste in her mouth. “Sakura…You are mine.”
She wasn’t perfect. She wasn’t a fae. And she was never going to be only his judging from her partner that came with her. Just holding her went against all his beliefs and artistic philosophy.
And yet.
He couldn’t give her up, not this light in the darkness. She completely overpowered him and sustained him with her very presence and it drove him mad. To pretend it didn’t exist would only be a lie. There were many regrets he had in life, but he didn’t want to regret this chance to his salvation. His art gave him meaning, the search for eternal beauty gave him a mission, but salvation? The light to break his cursed drowning darkness? That never happened or he’d never stay in this isolated dungeon, starved of the basics of a true life.
Sakura changed everything. 
She changed him.
And he wasn’t going to let her go.
With these feelings, he released himself into her and breathed in her essence — her scent of honey and flowers and a unique smell that only belonged to Sakura. Even her sweat only aroused him. Her soft skin, her pliant body and those eyes…Sasori growled as he bit into her neck and tasted a little of her blood. 
“Ah!” Pain and pleasure mixed as Sakura felt both men cum into her. She collapsed on Sasori’s shoulders and smiled, “That was —“ before she could finish, they pounded into her again and she could only release animalistic moans and screams. Like dogs in heat, the two came into her over and over again until she was but jelly in their arms.
It was a long night before they could find satisfaction and by then Sakura was covered in sweat, her naked body long released from her binds and they laid on the floor together. Deidara had his arm around her waist while Sasori clutched her head to his chest and laid his chin on top of her soft hair. 
Sakura didn’t have the strength or energy to move let alone think and so fell into a pleasant dream. I…Still didn’t figure out how to complete the dream…But she lost her thought and entered a deep slumber as the men held her safely between them.
Once more, the spell’s voice resounded though no one could hear it now:
[Dream Four Under Review…]
[Godmother Judges Results: Magic Skill Obtained]
[Fae Agree]
[Result: Dream Four Complete]
[Reward: The Lady Steps Onto the Path of the Moon and Stars. May Her Heart Hold True and Gain Inheritance or Spell Will End].
[Side Reward: Pledge of a Dark Mage. Potential Guardians Route Opened]


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