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The trio were on their way to spawn for Grian to show them around. In the minecarts, Grian was ahead, followed by Etho, then Taurtis.

The smaller boy turns around to face the two boys as they go under a tunnel in a hill.

"Welcome to Pumpkin Tunnel! As there's a lonely pumpkin right there." Grian points out.

Etho chuckles while Taurtis laughs at it. "Let's get it a friend then!"

Grian giggles. "I like the way you're thinking, Taurtis. The problem is, Tomohawk keeps stealing my pumpkins!"

"Oh? Perhaps we should give him a visit and teach him a lesson." Etho suggests.

"What would you suggest?" Taurtis questions.

Grian beams. "Oh, I have many plans for pranks. Just you wait, we'll need to find where his base is, cause the last one I saw him build sucked and was already pranked. Mainly by me even if Jimmy and Martyn tried to take credit for it."

"While we're out, why not just prank more people huh?" Etho chuckles. "You have plans, we can execute them."

"Leave me out of these plans please. I would not want to be on anyone's bad side, especially yours Grian." Taurtis quickly says.

"Well, that's you're lost Taurtis. You can just watch us. I have a lot of the materials on me already too Etho. So we can definitely do a lot of pranking."

"Good, let's go!"

The carts came to a stop inside a cave with rail tracks in front of where Grian was, but they were not connected. The two carts behind him quickly come to a stop by running into his.

"Well butter my biscuits, my own prank got me."

"Your fault!" Taurtis shouts at Grian.

Etho just giggles. "What exactly was the prank?"

"Just a jump scare that's supposed to make it look like you're about to die from lava but you really don't. I dont have this route connected anymore since I rerouted the other side for the prank."

"Interesting, I like the idea, it's simple yet effective."

"Yes! Netty tested it for me and said she thought she was gonna die in lava, scared her quite a bit too." Grian just giggles as he jumps out of his minecart. "We can walk the rest of the way, it's not that far now."

The group gets out of their mind carts and Grian quickly collects them back up. He leads them through the tunnel they stopped in. Once out, they could see a building which looks like a train station.

"And here's my other side of the Grain Station." The boy giggles.

"I remember when you didn't like being called anything but your name." Taurtis commented on the name.

"Well," Grian draws it out. "Grain has been a common one I've heard, and it's not as bad as a certain one."

Taurtis just nods, clearly understanding what the boy meant. Etho just pats Grian's shoulder and smiles under his mask.

The trio continue down the path to see a cobblestone platform on the ground which looks like a broken portal. "This is spawn. That is the symbol of the Watchers, I guess? Still not too sure about them if I'm gonna be honest," Grian comments.

There is also what looks to be four iron doors sitting in front of a pressure plate and above it an obsidian block. On the obsidian block is a sign that states, 'Teleporter to the Grian Empire.'

"Could we have teleported here this entire time?!" Questions Taurtis, running to the doors and jumping onto the pressure plate.

Grian covers his mouth trying to hold back laughter as the doors shut on Taurtis. "Taurtis, you're stuck in there! That was a trap. I kind of felt like that was to be expected of you honestly."

"Huh? Wait, so it's not a teleporter?"

"No, it's a stupid trap I have to break you out of now."

"Oh," Taurtis stares at Grian through the doors. "How do I get out?"

"Like I said, I have to break you out. No one but I can help you Taurtis," Grian lets out a few giggles. Etho chuckles at the sight.

"What if I yell for help, maybe someone will hear me."

"They would get in contact with me to help you. I actually mean it when I say I'm the only one able to help you right now. You're in spawn, only I can break and place blocks around here." Grian explains.

"What?! How come you set it up like this?"

"I get that. Did you forget to set up permissions or something 'round here?" Etho decides to question.

"Honestly yeah. A creeper blew up a part of the symbol and I had to fix it."

"How many fell for this trap?"

"Two! Well, now three including Taurtis," Grian giggles some more. "I never thought people would actually be this gullible, but here we are."

The small boy walks up to the doors, pickax in hand. But then switches to a TNT block and sets it down.

"Grian? What's happening? Why do I see a big red danger block near me?" Taurtis cried out of the trap.

"Hey, Etho," Grian looks over at the ninja. "You wanna see how bad TNT used to be, or well currently is."

"Will it kill him?"

"There's a chance, but at least we're right next to spawn so it's worth it."

"Wait what? Grian no, please," Taurtis tries pleading.

"I don't know, Taurtis doesn't seem too happy about this," Etho chuckles. Maybe he can get Grian to calm down and change his mind.

"Well, maybe you wanna pick it up then?" The blonde questions.

"Alright, I can do that." The ninja steps up to pick up the TNT, but in doing so, ignites it. "Huh?" He questions.

"Run!" Grian shouts at the white hair boy as he bolts away.

"Wait guys please, what's happening!" Taurtis questions behind the door, not realizing the TNT was set off.

Etho quickly runs after Grian, keeping up easily. The TNT explodes, leaving a hole where the door trap was and no Taurtis. A message pops up on the communicators

Taurtis was blown up.

Grian just bursts out laughing at the sight while Etho stands by him confused. If the Evolutionists didn't know Taurtis was there already, well they would have known now. "Uhh, did I cause that to explode?" He questions.

"Yeah, somewhat," Grian replies through the laughter. "I just didn't mention you can't pick TNT back up once it's been placed."

"I see. Tricky tricky," Etho teases as he chuckles.

Taurtis respawns quickly and right next to them as Grian said he would. The two walk over to the raven hair as Grian keeps laughing and Etho keeps an eye on the boy.

"You know, this is why it's hard to trust you. You said I wouldn't be pranked but you still got me killed." Taurtis pouts.

"That's all your fault for getting trapped in a prank. But I get what you mean. As the Emperor, I need to keep my word and that's exactly what I'll do, starting now. No more pranking you! On purpose," The boy giggles some more. Grian was clearly up to something. Taurtis was still on the edge, not quite trusting his best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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