In the... shower?

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Hi guys!! So it's the 5th chap! In this chapter i'm giving a smut warning/boyxboy, so if you don't like, skip! Anyways hope you enjoy!
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    "See i told you they'd be up here." Kurapika said crossing his arms and talking to Leorio. Leorio was standing behind Killua as he was the one who pulled the silver haired boy off the raven haired. Leorio picked Killua up by grabbing him under the shoulders and hoisting him up. Killua turned around to the mom and dad while Gon was wide eyed and still. "W-Wahaat.." Killua tried saying. "Common you guys you really want your first time being in another persons bedroom? At a frat house?" Kurapika said scolding the two horn dogs. "Plus look what room you were about to walk into." Killua and Gon turned around and slightly opened the door slowly, revealing Zushi and.... Knuckle.... in bed.... trying to cover themselves with sheets... "HA NO FUCKING WAY!" Killua said, slightly sobering up due to the big surprise. Killua then fell to the ground laughing like a hyena. "No shit? Damn i never-." Gon was cut off by Zushi chucking a shoe and yelling, "OKKK YOU'VE SEEN ENOUGH GET TF OUT." Gon started laughing as he shut the door. "Ok kids time to take you home." Leorio said as he picked Killua up and Kurapika helped steady Gon, "Okkk dadd." Gon and Killua said at the same time. On the way out Gon and Killua were smirking at each other the whole way out, Killua even did a little wave to Gon and Gon giggled and waved back. It was around 2 in the morning almost 3 and the four were waiting outside as Kurapika had called an uber to pick them up cause the two horn dogs could NOT walk back. The uber came and Kurapika sat in the passenger seat, as Leorio, Gon and Killua sat in back, Killua sitting in the middle. Killua tried multiple times unzipping Gons pants but with Leorio tattle tailing and Kurapika turning around and saying, "I swear to god Killua you better stop or imma kick ur ass." Killua gave up and pouted, Leorio turned to the window, Killua then felt a strong hand on his upper thigh, very close to his package. Killua threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut so he wouldn't moan. He then felt a hot breath on his ear as the voice would be stuck in his head for days, "Not a sound, got it?" Leorio of course saw them and snapped at them to stop. Now the both were pouting. The uber dropped Killua and Pika off first as Leorio and Gons dorm was further down the road. Kurapika got out of the car and opened the door on Gons side as his side was closest to the door. Gon got out of the car, he was much more sober now so he helped Killua out of the car to give to Kurapika, although Killua kept holding on to Gon. "No no no i don't want you to leave." Killua said hugging Gons torso and burying his face into Gons chest. Gon found that the cutest thing alive but still, he had to go home with Leorio, "Hey Killua, it's ok, i'll see you tomorrow first thing, kay?" Killua looked up at Gon and smiled as Gon squeezed him tight, "kk" Killua said, and walked over to Pika who helped him inside the building, up the stairs and to the door of their dorm. Kurapika set Killua down in his bed and then went to go even take a shower and came back clean and changed. Pika then took off Killuas shoes, all of his earings, then put him under the covers. Killua was OUT.

    Killua woke up to the sound of two people talking. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. He saw Leorio and Pika sitting on Pikas bed drinking coffee, they both smiled and said "Morning sleepyhead." Killua looked at his alarm clock as it was 12:45pm. "Jesus christ, i'm taking a shower... i'll be back." With that Killua got up grabbed towels, a change of clothes, his shampoo and his conditioner, he then left to go to the shower rooms. He wondered, if Leorio was in their dorm than Gon had to be somewhere too, right? Killua basically remembered everything and was really embarrassed about it but hoped Gon wasn't drunk enough to regret it, cause that'd be even more embarrassing. Killua made his way into the shower room, set his stuff down on the counter, stripped, then grabbed his shampoo and conditioner. He then turned to walk over to a shower head but stopped when... he saw a familiar raven haired boy leaning against the white tiled wall, crossing his arms, underneath the shower head with running water.. smirking.

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