popularity is so... stupid.

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Hi guys! omg more people are reading my story so i just wanted to say thank you so so much! Anyways, chap 7! hope you enjoy!
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    "Soooo it sounds kinda like he's using you for the sex... even though y'all's had it like once?" Kurapika sorta asked. "Yeah! I mean-." Kurapika cut Killua off, "Buttttt it also sounds like he does like you.." Both Killua and Kurapika were confused by the situation, "Pikaaaa idk what to dooo." Killua wined, as he flopped the top half of his body on Kurapika as they were both sitting crisscross applesauce on Killuas bed. Killua had explained everything to Pika and told him how he felt about the whole "situation". "Well... why don't you ask him? And yeah yeah i know, but even if it's a let down it's worth a shot, plus it's Gon, i don't think he'd do that to you, let alone anyone else." Killua frowned, "Yeah b-but he let go of my pinky when he saw people from our school... a-and you know what? I bet he's just playing with my feelings on purpose so he can back at me for doing that to Aunt Mi-." Kurapika stopped him right there,  "Killua stop right there, that was NOT your fault, stop blaming yourself. Also he's probably letting his popularity catch up to him but he'll realize it's not worth it. You just need to chill Killua, please." Killua huffed and said, "AGH, popularity is so... so...", "Stupid." Kurapika finished for him. "Yeah... stupid." Killua laid in his bed and Kurapika tucked him in, "Thanks MamaPika." Killua had a fake sweet smile like he knew what he was doing. Kurapika hit him upside the head and walked over to his bed as he said, "Yeah goodnight, mY cHiLd." They both giggled and soon drifted off to sleep.

Killua was off to classes the next day when he met up with Zushi. They were outside of campus and both were silent until Killua started to giggle. "Zip it i don't wanna hear a word, plus i know what you did with your little football player." Zushi finished with a smirk. Killua stopped dead in his tracks and said, "H-How did you k-know.." Zushi looked back at Killua, "Well y'all were making out outside of our door it's obvious, wait... did you guys actually fuck?!" Zushi said a tad bit too loud, Killuas face went tomato beat red. "N-No!! W-Why would you think that??" Zushi laughed, "B-Because y-your s-s-stuttering l-like t-this." Killua chucked his pencil case at Zushi and Zushi ran in the school, Killua followed. 1-4 classes were fine for Killua but he was really nervous for calc, he didn't know why he just was nervous about seeing the guy he... liked? Well he must like Gon cause every 3 min he'd check his phone camera to see if his hair looked good. Killua was wearing gray slacks with a black belt and a slightly big, black graphic tee tucked into the pants, he was also wearing high top black converse. Killua was listening to, "Jealous" by eyedress as he walked into class and instantly looked up at the fourth row and saw the two baboons sitting there laughing about something they had just talked about. Gon looked down over to Killua and they made eye contact, BOTH of them blushed and looked away. "Wait did he just blush??" Killua thought. Before Killua could walk up to where Gon and Leorio were, three girls had walked up to Killua, "Hey Killua i love your fit today.." One of the girls said. "Thaaaanks." Killua said as he rolled his eyes. He walked up the stairs to the fourth row, he plopped himself down in his seat next to Gon, "Hey Killua!" Gon said with that famous toothy smile. "H-Hey Gon." Killua said with a soft smile, "Bitch stop stuttering, god why do i keep stuttering!" Killua thought, he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks already. The rest of the class was lowkey awkward but they'd survive, Leorio couldn't stop laughing at them tho. There was 15 min left when Gon leaned over to Killuas ear and said, "I said after practice... right?" Killua side looked Gon, "Yeah but your nasty ass better take a shower before i even touch you."Gon laughed and said, "You bet, i'll text you ok?" Killua kicked his feet on the desk, "K." After class a girl had walked up to Gon and asked for his number... Killua and Leorio were waiting and Gon looked at Killua apologetically and then back at the girl. Before Killua could hear Gon answer he walked off.

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