Chapter 3

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"So are you new to L.A?" Chase asks
"Ya, I'm from Canada, I'm just here until the end of summer"
"Oh cool, are you in university?"
"Ya, it will be my second year when summers over"
"That's cool, so how you liking California so far?" He asks.
"I really like it" I smile.
We ended up talking for almost an hour. He was honestly so sweet and smart. I really liked talking to him he was so down to earth.
But sadly I had to leave. I really didn't want to go, I was really enjoying my time at the hype house but it was already 8pm and I was pretty tired. I quickly said bye to everyone and Addison drove me home.

~30 Minutes Later~
I finally got back from the hype house and I went straight to my room to change into some comfier clothes.
I picked out a pair of grey sweatpants and a purple and blue tie dye shirt. After I put my hair in a messy bun and go back downstairs.
Johnny is on the couch watching stranger things, I go and join him.
"Hey" I say as I take a seat next to him on the couch.
"Hi, you've been gone for awhile, did you have fun" he smiles.
"Ya, everyone there is so cool" I say.
"Well that's good"
"Ya so how was the studio?" I ask.
"It was good we started writing a new song, I really think your going to like it"
"I can't wait to hear it" I say enthusiastically.
"As soon as we finish the demo I'll show it to you" he says.
"Okay sounds good, looking forward to it" I smile.
For the next hour we sat one the couch watching tv. And Johnny invited me to the studio tomorrow and obviously I said yes since I love hearing him sing. He's honestly so freaking talented.
As we were taking I got pretty tired. I decided to go to bed around 10 which is pretty early for me but I was drained.
I said goodnight to Johnny before going up stairs, taking my make off and brushing my teeth and hoping into bed.

~The Next Morning~
The next morning I woke up at around 9 and for once I wasn't exhausted. I roll out of bed and go take shower.
After I go pick out my outfit for the day. But as I'm picking out my clothes my phone started ringing. I go to my nightstand and grab it. It was a random number that wasn't saved in my contacts. I contemplated answering it or not since I don't usually answer numbers I don't know but I just decided to answer it.
"Hello" I say wondering who it was.
"Hey, it's Chase umm I don't know if you remember me from yesterday..." he says and I cut him off.
"Yes I remember you" I smile. Of course I remember him, I almost passed out from how cute he was. "What's up?" I ask.
"Oh umm not much, I got your number from Addison, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today." He say sounding nervous.
I laugh to myself, he wants to go out with me? Are you freaking kidding me. Of course I'll hang out with him.
"Oh yeah sure, what did you have in mind?" I ask blushing so hard.
"I was thinking we could go to an escape room, unless you think there stupid then we don't have to do that" he says nervously.
"No no no I've always wanted to go to an escape room, they look like so much fun" I say smiling.
"Ok so I'll pick you up in an hour, is that okay?" He asks.
"Ya sounds good, I'll text you my address"
"Okay can't wait" he says then hangs up.
HOLY SHIT CHASE HUDSON JUST ASKED ME OUT, I'm screaming right now. I quickly go over to my suit case and look for a cute outfit to wear.
I pick out a pair of light blue jeans, a white tang top and an adidas black zip up sweater.
After I get dressed I put some subtle makeup on and go downstairs to tell Johnny that I can't go to the studio anymore.
"Hey John, sooo I cant come to the studio anymore" I say walking into the kitchen.
"That's okay, but why?" He asks.
"I'm going to hang out with Chase"
"Chase?... Wait as in Chase Hudson, the tiktoker that you used to watch a lot" he questions.
"Yeah" I smile.
"How'd that happen?"
"He called me and asked if I wanted to hang out. We kind of clicked while talking yesterday" I say and he nods as he takes a seat on a bar stool at the counter.
We sit in the kitchen eating breakfast and suddenly I get a text from Chase saying he's outside. My heart starts pounding, I feel like this isn't even real.
I say bye to John and walk towards the door to leave. I quickly put my shoes on and walk out the door.

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