Chapter 15

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•One month after Benjamin passed away•
Emma still couldn't believe that he was gone, after all the times he hurt her and Mackenzie, she still loved him.
Emma and Mackenzie had been staying with Miranda and Taylor, she is moving back into her apartment.
"Are you sure you want to move back?" Taylor asked. "Yeah, it's the right thing to do." "You can stay here." Taylor said. "I know, things can go back to normal for you and mom, and me and Mackenzie." Emma said. "Me and mom wouldn't mind if you stayed here." Taylor said. " I know daddy, I promise it's okay." Emma said.
She put the last bag of stuff into her car.
Miranda hugged her, and handed her Mackenzie after giving her a kiss. "Bye-bye." Mackenzie said. "Bye-bye princess." Miranda said.
Taylor stole Mackenzie from Emma and gave her a big hug and kiss. Ella hugged Emma. "I'm going to miss you being around all the time, again." Ella said. "You can always come over." Emma said, picking up Elli and giving him a kiss, "bye-bye sissy." Elli said. "Bye buddy." Emma said.
Emma gave her dad and mom a hug.
"I love you baby girl." Taylor said. "I love you, daddy."
Emma said. She got into her car, and started to drive away, with tears rolling down her cheeks. It felt weird to her that she was leaving her parents house again, after being there for a month. She had all the support she would ever need, she knew that they would always help her no matter what.
"I can't believe that she moved out again." Miranda said. "I know, but she knows what she wants." Taylor said. "Next thing we know Ella and Elli are going to be moving out, then Mackenzie is going to move out of Emma's house too." Miranda said. "Don't remind me." Taylor said, wrapping his arm around Miranda.
Emma got halfway down the road, with Mackenzie screaming in the backseat "grandma, papa house."Mackenzie yelled. "Baby we are going home, we will see grandma and papa tomorrow." Emma said. "Papa house." Mackenzie continued to cry and scream. Emma continued to drive, with tears filling up in her eyes again.
She got almost home, and pulled over to try to calm Mackenzie down, and herself.
She got into the backseat. "Papa, grandma house." "Baby we will go there tomorrow." Emma promised her.
Emma wiped the tears off her cheeks.
"I don't know, maybe we will go back to mom and dad's house. What if Mackenzie misses them too much? What if." " all the what if's." Emma asked herself. She handed Mackenzie her boogan (pacifier), went back to the driver's seat.
Emma started to drive again and turned the car around, headed back to Miranda and Taylor's house.
•Back at Taylor and Miranda's house•
She got Mackenzie out of the car, and headed inside with tears rolling down her eyes. Emma opened the door, Taylor looked at the door from the couch. "What happened, baby girl?" "Daddy, I'm not ready, and neither is Mackenzie." Emma said. Emma put Mackenzie down and she ran to Taylor, "papa." Mackenzie yelled. Taylor bent down and picked her up. "Can we stay here?" Emma asked. "Of course you can stay here, baby girl." Taylor said. Emma walked over to him and hugged him.
Miranda came downstairs from their bedroom.
"Hi momma." Emma said. "Hi baby girl." "They are going to stay here." Taylor said. "Oh, I'm so glad." Miranda said. Taylor kissed Emma's forehead. "You can have your room, Mackenzie can share a room with Elli or you can share your room with her, it's up to you." Taylor said. "She can share my room, I don't want her to take bubba's room." Emma said. "That wouldn't be a problem." Miranda said. "I know." Emma said.
Taylor got the bedroom ready for them.
•one hour later•
Emma, Miranda, Taylor, Mackenzie were sitting on the couch, Mackenzie was sitting on Taylor's lap. Elli walked over to Taylor and Started to pull on Taylor pant leg "up." Elli said. "Up." He repeated till Taylor picked him up, and sat him on his lap. "Someone is Jealous." Miranda said. "Just a little." Taylor said.
He kissed both of their heads.
•the end of the night•
Taylor and Miranda were laying in bed.
"This is good for her." Miranda said. "It really is, she has the extra help, and all the love that she will ever need, her and Mackenzie both." Taylor said. Miranda kissed him.
As Emma laid in bed, she was talking to her friend, Amelia. "I look at my mom and dad, and think they are perfect, why can't I have that?" She asked her friend over text. "You will one day, but I do have to agree your parents are fr perfect." "I know, they are the best." "Do they ever fight?" "The last time I've seen them fight was probably when I was like 4, it was over pizza." Emma told her friend. "Lmao." Her friend said in response. "I don't know what happens behind closed doors." "My mom and dad fight all the time." "I'm sorry, that has to suck." "Yeah, it does, but it's okay." Her friend said. "Your parents, we both want something like that, so why don't we make something like that?" "Are you asking what I think you're asking me?" "Will you go to dinner with me?" Amelia asked. "Heck yes, when?" "Friday? 6?" "I'll see you then." Emma said. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." Emma said.
Word count: 927

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