Chapter 21

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•December 11th•
It's the day Miranda and Taylor have been waiting for, they get to find out the gender of the next baby.
Miranda had to text Emma
M: Are you still watching your siblings while we go to the OBG/YN?
E: Yeah, I'm on my way!
M: thanks, be careful, it seems to be snowing again.
E: always
Emma and Mackenzie got to the house.
"Grandma!" Mackenzie yelled, as they walked through the door. Miranda picked her up and sat Mackenzie on her bump. "Baby?" Mackenzie asked, pointing to the bump. "Yeah, there's a baby in my belly." Miranda said. "Taylor, we're going to be late! Let's go." Miranda said. "I'm changing baby boy's diaper.I'll be there in a minute. " Taylor said. "Hurry up." Miranda said. "Papa?" Mackenzie said. "He's taking forever huh?" Miranda said. "Yeah." Mackenzie said, having no idea even what she was talking about. "Taylor let's go." Miranda said, shaking her head at Mackenzie. "Babe, I'm coming." Taylor yelled. "Are you and dad okay?" Emma asked. "Yeah, why?" Miranda asked. "It's just not normal." Emma said. "Yeah, we're fine." Miranda said.
Taylor finally came downstairs, put Elli on the floor with Mackenzie so they could play.
Miranda was walking out to the car, and didn't notice the black ice on the ground. She slipped and Landed on her butt.
"Taylor." Miranda yelled. Taylor looked around the corner, "Babe, are you okay?" Taylor asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Can you just help me up" She said, then started to laugh. "Yeah, of course." Taylor said. He rushed over to her and helped her up and to the car. "Are you sure you're okay?" Taylor asked. "Yeah, I'm fine! I'm just worried about our baby." Miranda said. "I didn't hit hard so it should be fine." Miranda said.
•At the OBG/YN•
Miranda got out of the car; "please be careful." Taylor said. "Taylor I'm fine." Miranda said.
He took her hand as they walked in.
•In the back•
"How are we today?" The OBG/YN asked. "We're good." Miranda said. "I did want to let you know, I told a small fall, I didn't see the ice and slipped, I didn't hit hard, but I'm a little concerned." Miranda said. "Let's take a look." Her OBG/YN said.
She placed the cold gel onto her stomach, and took out the wand. "Everything looks good with your baby, your fall did no damage to your baby." She said. "Just my butt." Miranda said with a small laugh, Taylor laughed also. "We can see the gender if you want to know." She said. "Yes please." Miranda said. "Congratulations, you're having a baby girl." She said. "Another girl! We're having another girl!" Taylor said. "Another girl that is going to be a daddy's girl." Miranda said.
•At the house•
"We want to know the gender!" Ella said. "Okay, are you ready?" Miranda asked. "Yes, yes, yes!" Ella said. Emma nodded, "yes!!" Elli yelled. "We are having a girl!" Miranda and Taylor said at the same time. "Yay! Another girl!!" Emma said. "Yay, another baby girl for us to play with."  Ella said. "We are so glad you are excited." Taylor said, then picking Mackenzie off the floor "grandma and papa are having a baby girl." Taylor said. "Yay." Mackenzie said. He kissed her cheek.
Word count: 557

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