Chapter 22

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•1 month later•
Miranda and Taylor introduced their new friend they met on Set, Adriyan Rae.(Gianna Mackey) to the kids, and Mackenzie.
Emma and Amelia have become  best friends with Adriyan; Emma has been spending a lot of time with her. Emma has been in the search of finding the perfect engagement ring, she wants to ask Amelia to marry her, Adriyan has been helping her find the perfect ring.
Emma was leaving with Adriyan, "I'll be back! Thanks for watching baby girl." Emma said. "Yeah, it's no problem." Amelia said. Emma gave her a kiss, and Mackenzie a kiss too. "I stay with momma Amelia?" Mackenzie asked "yeah, I'll be back in a little." Emma said. Amelia didn't even know Emma was hanging out with Adriyan. Emma got into the car and left.
Amelia called her friend Hope-Lynn.
A: Hi girly
H: hey
A: what you doing?
H: nothing much, you
A:  babysitting Mackenzie
H: where's Emma
A: umm I not sure, she didn't say
H: hmm I'm sure it's nothing
A: this is the third day that she left, without even inviting me to go
H: maybe she needs some "Emma time"
A: or maybe she's seeing someone else
H: no, you and I both know Emma, she's not like that!
A: I know, I'm going to go make lunch for Mackenzie talk later
H: yeah of course, let me know if you find out anything
•At Taylor and Miranda's house•
•Miranda is now 5 months pregnant•
Taylor is on Set, Miranda is home with her youngest, and had to get to set in the next 15 minutes. Ella was at a friends house.
"Elli Taylor Kinney!" Miranda yelled, for the third time. "If you don't get your little butt down here with your shoes and a jacket, I'm going to beat that little of yours." Miranda said. "I don't want to go!"  Eli said. "Eli Taylor Kinney, I said now!" Miranda said. "You have three seconds." Miranda said. "1... 2.." Miranda started to count, Eli ran downstairs. "Let's go." Miranda said. "Fine!" Eli said, crossing his hands and walking out the front door.
Miranda put him in the car and buckled him in.
She sat up front, "son, do you understand why when I say it's time to go, I mean it's time to go?" Miranda asked. "Yes ma'am." Eli said.
•At the ring store•
"What about this one?" Adriyan asked. Then pointing to a Jet black full clear rainbow on the band and 36 carat Diamond. "Adriyan! That's perfect!" Emma said.
"Are you going to buy it?" Adriyan asked. "Yeah!!" Emma said, really excited.Emma put the ring on her credit card, and they were so excited to get back from the house and start planning how to ask her.
•On set with Miranda and Taylor•
"Hi." Miranda said, when Taylor opened the car door for her. "Hi, baby!" Taylor said, kissing her. "Get your son!" Miranda said. " what's wrong?" Taylor asked. "He hasn't wanted to listen today, he's 4 going on 14, and I'm exhausted." Miranda said.
Monica walked to the car. "Aunt Monica!" Eli yelled. "Hi, bud." Monica said. "Can you get me out?" Eli asked. "Umm sure!" Monica said. Miranda leaned up against Taylor, he kissed the top of her head. "Do this scene, leave Eli with me, I'll take him and Ella out to lunch, and you go home and get a nap, and I'll bring you food home." Taylor said. "Really?" Miranda asked, with sad look. "Yes really." Taylor said.
•At Emma's apartment•
Emma got home, Headed inside and Adriyan left.
"Hi, babe!" Emma said. "Hello!" Amelia said. Mackenzie ran to Emma, "hi princess." Emma said, picking her up and hugging her. "Thanks for watching her." Emma said. "It was fun." Amelia said. "Actually, can we talk?" Amelia asked. "Yeah, what's wrong?" Emma asked, "go play, I love you." Emma said, talking to Mackenzie. "Are you cheating on me? Be honest." Amelia asked. "Babe, What? No! Why would you even ask that?" Asked Emma. "You have been really suspicious, leaving, not asking me to go with you anywhere, getting into a car, but not coming back with anyone. Sounds like you're seeing someone else." Amelia said, angrily. "Do you really want to know what I was doing?" Emma asked. "Yes please!" Amelia said. Emma stood up off the couch, she got on one knee
"This is not how Insaw this going but, Amelia, I love you, we both want something that's like my mom and dad so, Will you make me the happiest Woman on earth and be my bride?" Emma asked. Amelia's eyes got so big. "You're joking!" Amelia said. "No, I'm not." Emma said. "Yes!!" Amelia said. "You said yes?" Emma asked. "Yes!" Amelia said. Emma stood up and kissed her. Amelia picked up Emma. "I'm sorry for accusing you-" Amelia said, and got interrupted by Emma kissing her.
•At Taylor and Miranda's house•
Miranda finished her scene at the firehouse. She had just gotten into bed and her phone rang with a FaceTime with Emma.
E: hey momma
M: hi baby girl
E: Is daddy with you?
M: no, he's picking up Ella and take her and Elli to lunch
E: will you FaceTime me when he's with you
M: yeah; is everything okay?
E: everything is perfect
M: I'll call you soon
E: love you momma
M: love you too baby girl
Call ends
Miranda takes a nap, then 30 minutes later gets woken up, with kisses on her forehead and a Gyro plate from Standing Room only Chicago.
"Taylor you got me Standing room?" Miranda asked, with a big smile. "I actually got us Standing room, the kids are downstairs having McDonald's." Taylor said. "You know I love Standing Room." Miranda said. "Mostly when you're pregnant." Taylor said, then got in the bed next to her. "We have to FaceTime Emma." Miranda said. "Why? I mean I love that she wants to talk to us but did she say why?" Taylor asked. "No, she called when I got home asked if you were here with me and I said no, she said FaceTime her when you were here too." Miranda said, pulling out her phone.
E: Hi momma, hi daddy!
T: hi baby girl
M: what's up
Emma held up Amelia's hand
A: we're engaged
T: What no way! Congratulations
M: so happy for you both! Congratulations
E: I was going to invite you I promise, but someone thought I was cheating on her with Adriyan
M: cause she helped you pick out the ring didn't she
E: yeah!
A: I totally understand now
T: anyways congratulations! I can't believe my little girls getting married
E thanks daddy! I love you
T: I love you too! Love you too Amelia.
A: love you too papa Taylor and love you momma Miranda
M: love I love you girls too!
•call ends•
"Our little girl is getting married!" Taylor said. "Yeah!" Miranda said, with a laugh.
Ella ran up stairs "Eli said Fuck!" Ella said. "Now your saying it." Taylor said. "But dad! Eli said Fuck!" Ella said. "It's okay, I'll be there in a minute." Taylor said. "He's not having the best day, first he didn't listen to me, then he didn't want to listen at the firehouse, now he's saying fuck." Miranda said. "Great!" Miranda said. "It's okay, we will have a conversation, and tomorrow will be a new day." Taylor said. "You enjoy your food in bed, I'll take care of the kids." Taylor said. "Thank you." Miranda said. Taylor kissed her.
Word count 1270

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