Session #3 - The Only Easy Day, was Yesterday...

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Ping! Omen's PDA receives a new message.

The Message: "Manchester -K"

Omen: "Glory glory..."

Omen gets up, picks up bandages to cover his left face and left arm. Picks up his "weapons" and proceeds to leave his "hideout."

Omen: *in front of a mirror* "Let's dance."


Hereford HQ, morning after that "operation"

???: "Ten, Eleven, Twelve..."

Suddenly a tall, bulky man approaches.

Tachanka: "Comrade McKinley, early morning workout? Da?"

Warden: "Just to loosen some muscles and bulk some. Mind to spot me, Alex?

Warden adds some weights to the bench press barbell, and proceeds to do some bench press with Tachanka spotting him.

Tachanka: "How was the mission? Timur said the base was 'cleaned' even before you guys could knock the front door."

Warden: "It was, that guys was there, cleaning the house alone."

Tachanka: "chyort, that sukin syn (son of a bitch) taking all of the fun, no?"

Warden: *chuckles* "Hahaha, it wasn't fun at all. The fact that he was escaped on the last grasp was the most annoying thing."

Warden finishes his set, Tachanka Is now using the bench press.

Tachanka: "No wonder the other operators were so, I don't know, looked like a little bit upset."

Warden: "No way they aren't, he literally escaped our fingertips back there."

Tachanka: "Any words from Harry?"

Warden: "Not yet, he'll gather us when he has the intels on him."

Tachanka and Warden continue to workout at the gym.


Harry: *on phone* "What do you mean you didn't have any documents about him?"

???: "We searched anything we have and we got nothing."

Harry: "Goddammit Pam! And how we suppose to find this guy?"

Pamela Landy: "For God's sake Harry! When I say nothing it's nothing!"

Harry: "Shit."

Pamela Landy: "There's a chance that he's part of that 'project', maybe was."

Harry: "I thought the assets are terminated already."

Pamela Landy: "They were, it's a whole new shady organisation."

Harry: "Is Noah involved?"

Pamela Landy: "Harry, we have a deal about this."

Harry: "Alright, alright. Thank you, Pam." *hangs the call*

After he hangs the call, he reaches the microphone that linked with the speakers around the Hereford HQ.

Harry: *on microphone* "One operator per CTUs please report to my office immediately, thank you."


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