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Ezekiel's POV

We are going back to chapter 21

"You need to walk better than that...i only used a finger or two" and he turned around and glared daggers at me.

"  You wouldn't say that to you if you used a finger or two on yourself when you've never done it now would u" he hissed

"Why would I use them on myself" I joked

"Ahhh" he turned around to leave and I held his hand

"K fine... fine I'm sorry but how did I do?" I asked still holding his hand.

"I'll evaluate when I get home" he replied then pulled himself away.

"If I didn't do my job well, then its fine you don't have to come back but if you want more of know where to find me" I said but I was really hoping he would return and soon.

"If I don't come back will u kill me?" He asked and I chuckled.

"...yes I will kill you" I reassured him.

"But we made a deal" he furrowed his eye brows at me

"I didn't say I wouldn't kill u if you didn't come back did I?" I asked.

"Damn it" he said under his breath.

"Just make sure I don't get too bored ok" and he didn't reply then opened the door and left and I missed him already but at least I got some of that ass.


I think ill have to go back to the white house next week since my wound had healed although I love doing nothing even if it was boring and I liked sitting down and just admiring my house. In fact it makes me remember that agent I killed who had a lot of glass on his house. I guess its the trend here.

My president hasn't called... Maybe he really didn't like what I did...or maybe I hurt him but I couldn't have. I've been doing this way too long to have hurt him. I mean I've not always been gay but I don't discriminate. Having all these thoughts of my president suddenly got me hard and since I'm home....

I proceeded to the place that would bring more vivid memories into my head. I slowly touched the chains attached to my bed poles remembering when I'd tied him up. I proceeded to my drawer while i palmed myself through my pants and got out the whip I used on him and passed it on my face while closing my eyes. If only he could return right now.

I lay down on the bed face down and sniffed in as much as I could of his perfume that stayed on my sheets from that day. I know it seems like I don't change sheets at this point but you can't blame me. Until I have him almost on a daily, I will not get these sheets off...and they didn't get dirty at all as well if that's what you're thinking.

I turned my body around to face the ceiling and now it hurt real bad. I slowly slid my hand down and into my pants And as soon as I did my phone rang making me shoot my eyes open. Whoever it was I'll call them back so I slid my hand lower into my pants but the annoying sound just kept going I had to get the phone. Could be my president

When I looked at the phone screen though it was father so I picked it up.

"Hello father" I said.

"He is not your father and you'll never be one of us" It was Dylan on the other end...the last person I needed to hear from.

"Dylan...what do you want...and why are you using father's phone" I asked since there would be no way father can let him use his phone unless he stole it to call me of course knowing I would never have picked up if it was he who called.

"Because I'm now in charge oh and..." And I rolled my eyes getting the phone off my ear and hanging up. When father calls I'll definitely talk to him not that one.

Once again someone had ruined my session of touching myself to my president. Why does it always get ruined

I put my phone down and yes I was still hard but not in the mood anymore after having heard Dylan's voice of all people. My door bell rang and I got out of bed to go get it.

"Rodney...I'm glad to see you man" I hugged him which I'd never done but right now he's the closest to someone who can comfort me since my president refused to come back.

"What's wrong never hug me" he said and I pulled away from the hug.

"You hungry?" I asked because I really just wanted someone to keep me company.

"No?" He replied frowning his face.

"Great I'll make something... Sorry I don't take no for an answer" I closed the door and proceeded to make us something.


"So why did you come by the way" I asked because I didn't even know why he was here and I never gave him a chance to say anyways.

"Well...I uhm...came to check on you"

"Mmmm that's nice of know what ...tell me more about you...your girlfriend... Family..stuff like that" I said then stuffed a fork full of spaghetti into my mouth.

"OK so I have no girlfriend. My mum and dad are in Brazil and I live alone"

"So that's it ...don't you ever miss them"

"I do...I talk to them though...I just don't want to go visit them and look like a loser like always" he suddenly became sad

"Oh..." I put my fork down and cleaned my mouth"from now on...this is your house" he looked up at me like I was crazy.

"What?" He said softly

"You heard me...I want you to come live with me and if I ever leave to go back'll stay here and you can invite your parents over as well."

"Thanks" he said with a slight smile on his face.

After some silence he piped up

"You?" He asked

"Me what?"

"Girlfriend... A man like you can't be on earth without a girl" he said and I smiled at the thought of my President.

"Well...I do...kinda...its not yet official"

"What do you mean"

"I'm waiting for him to return but it seems like he won't come back" I felt my heart sink

"He?" He said and I glared daggers at him

"Yah him you have a problem with that" I suddenly became angry or protective or whatever and I think I scared him a little since he backed up in his seat

"No no...I don't...I just never would have thought have a boyfriend" and then I came down and he also stopped tensing up.

"If I were a girl I'd be jealous" he said then chuckled.


"You're hot...but you like men" he concluded

"But I'm not gay" I said and be looked at me then said

"Yah you are" then immediately stood up and ran away from me. The chair he was seating on fell back.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I thought you'd punch me or something" he replied standing far from me.

"Oh...I was but since you ran it means you're scared so that's enough for me".....


" this will be your room for now...obviously I sleep in the big bedroom." I told him as we walked into the room.

"What about my stuff" he asked.

"There's everything you need here for the'll pick them up tomorrow" I said...

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